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soy chunk candles

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can chunck candles be made out of soy wax? if so does it have to be pillar blend, am only looking to start out on votives as still learning and dont want to buy large(ish) pilllar molds at the minute


I've done it



Use the same wax for the chunks and the over-pour. Use a votive/pillar wax.


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can chunck candles be made out of soy wax? if so does it have to be pillar blend, am only looking to start out on votives as still learning and dont want to buy large(ish) pilllar molds at the minute


I havent' used my soy pillar blend as yet, but you don't need to buy pillar moulds, my first was a plastic tumbler of the kids ;)

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thanks for all info

i am smarting a little here as i made some votives that went yucky on the side's and after spending an afternoon emailing natalie back and forth (bless her i think i have given her headache) the wax i thought i'd bought for them turns out to be wax for containers, however reading the advert they mean containers as in tins and glass so i've discovered, now have to buy some pillar wax to do what i wanted............... could say wax is wasted but i'll find use for it just feeling a little hacked off with it.......some sellers need shooting

i wouldnt mind but the scent is wonderful from the yucky looking ones and they burn great, but.........

an expensive lesson to learn

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how about using it for some jars? Tesco have a nice glass jar with snap on lid for £1.27 or old jam/mint sauce jars?

I got some tins for mine' date=' but will do some jars soon. If it doesn't run out first :D[/quote']

think i will put it into glass jars fingers crossed i dont get the same look i did first time i tryed it it looked like i had got a layer then the wax, maybe i needed to warm the glass first

just feel like a fool really one thats been taken for a ride actually if i could find a hole i might just crawl into it:mad: :embarasse

ah well will use it for t lights and melts also

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This thread has peaked my interest. I hadn't thought about making chunk candles with soy because of the low melt point BUT.....

I wonder if I make chunks with my tart wax then do the over pour in the soy at a slushy stage.

I have never worked with paraffin so with the tart wax having some paraffin in it and a higher melt point has me wondering how to wick it and pour it.

I am definitely going to have to play around with this one.

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You have to make sure the the chunks and the overpour have the same melting point or it will be strange to try to wick. I just used a container wax, made chunks, filled the container with chunks (making sure to press them against the glass), waited til the overpour wax was slushy, then poured it over the chunks, tapping on the sides to help with bubbles and pouring slooowwllyyy. Came out nice. I did red chunks with white overpour scented Jack Frost for Christmas... sold out FAST.


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I've got some spare FO samples going for free if you want them - you just need to pay postage. I have bagged up 3 bags of mixed FO's - there's about 30 bottles in each bag. Anjie and Wick have taken the first two - do you want the third?


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You just kinda push the chunks til they smoosh to the side! If the jar was a little warm, they might stick even better. Don't be afraid to push pretty hard though- if they crumble a little it's OK.


Hi Kristi,

I did something like this before, but probably didn't use enough chunks (they were scraps I had laying around). They really didn't show through.

I'm just worried that the overpour will reduce the affect. Soy isn't opaque like paraffin.

Oh and how do I warm the jar? Would a heat gun work?

I'm gonna play around with it tonight. :yay:

Thanks for your advice.

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i made my first one yesterday lol erm well top looks great however i think i used to much over pour wax as you can just see the side chunks if you look hard enough lol ah well practice makes perfect

I've seen soy chunk candles on ebay- they look really cool. Wonder how well they sell?

I did something similar last year- but I just dropped the chunks in after pouring the initial candle. Didn't know to add the chunks first.

I'll let you know how mine turns out when I try this tonight. :)


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very pretty...but aren't the jars a bit over-filled? when the embeds that are sticking out of the wax start to melt, it'll start pouring over the sides......perhaps pouring the wax to about 1 inch from the top would be a little safer.

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Alright with all this talk about chunk candles I had to try it out. I use C-3 and I poured some in a baking pan for the chunks. When I went to cut them out they crumbled. C-3 is too soft for chunks huh? Logcabinmomma, how did you do your chunks? Can I use my tart wax for the chunks? I did Ile Flottante green chunks with Got Milk poured over them. Smells great but the chunks just don't look good. I may try the chunks in tart wax today.



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Well I tried this last night. It was ummm interesting lol

I couldn't get the chunks to stick to the side of the jars even when warming and zapping with a heat guns so I said heck with it and dumped some chunks in the jar.

I did the over pour and almost panicked when it looked like the over pour was going to melt the chunks (same wax for both). I didn't have enough chunks in the jar so I waited til the wax was cooling and setting up before I started dropping more chunks in.

While I can't see but a spec or two of the chunks in the middle, I could see them on the bottom of the jar and made sure I had some positioned in the top of the jar.

I am going to try bigger chunks next time and fill the jar with as many as I can THEN do the over pour at a coolor temp and let it flow where it may. lol

It was fun to do even if its not like the pretty chunk candles I have seen.


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