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1 Of 4 Wicks Is Mushrooming....

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I have been wrestling with a container candle - its in a big wide tea cup type thing, that measures approx 5.5" diameter.

I started off with 2 LX wicks, can't find the peice of paper with the size on dohhh, then when that obviously wasn't touching it rewicked it with 3 LX20's, that wouldn't take the melt pool to the edges either....so, rewicked again with 4 LX20's. Its been burning now for 3 and a half hours and the melt pool is very near the edge but ONE of the wicks has mushroomed.

1. Has the melt pool grown too quickly on a first burn?

2. What does mushrooming indicate usually. I know it may mean a few things but could it mean I need to wick down to LX18's or something? Seeing as the melt pool grew to 5 inches diameter in just over 3 hours, i thought the wick may be too big.

Please help. :grin2:


Edited to add - preblended paraffin container wax, 1% hot Fudge Sundea F/O, and 1 'shaving' off of a vanilla dye block. So not really over f/o'd or over loaded on colour.

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Only 1% FO? Thats not very much, how much wax are you using? You may want to try going up a wick size instead of putting so many wicks in it? Or try another series of wicks. Some wicks work better with different kinds of waxs. Good luck!

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Thanks for your reply BUT I was being an air head LOL (no change there!), i didn't mean 1% f/o, my formula is worked out at 1oz of f/o to 1Ib of wax, but i work in grams so its around 6% - i think!!

It's burning fine apart from the mushrooming on one wick. And that was sorted by trimming it. Am I being to picky over my own handywork? I'll burn again tomorrow and see how I feel about it.

I went for the LX20 because the LX16 is too small and i don't have any LX18 because my supplier is out of stock. If I'm not happy tomorrow I will try getting some 18's and try wicking with those. It seems to need 4 wicks though because its such a wide container.


ETA Just reread your post! Yes I may try wicking up and using fewer in another test. Thanks! What other wick series are there to try?

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Eco, RRD, CD and Hemp burn soy nicely. 'shrooms sometimes just have to be accepted. I sometimes get them as I use 9% FO and a lot of dye, but I tell my customers that if they SHOULD get one, to take it as a reminder that the wick needs to be trimmed. I tried so many times with the same combinations of scent, dye and wax and the results varied to no mushys to ones the size of mouse poo - there was no rhyme or reason, they just happen sometimes.

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