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Scent Works- no it doesn't ROCK!!!


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If you don't like the way they run that "other" board, may I suggest you quit frequenting it.

Well miss Carrie i think it is useless to suggest RedRosie to stop going to that other forum; it is like me telling you " what are YOU doing here ? " after all if this other place is fine my question is appropriate...

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Here's my $.02. I've received spectacular CS and quality from The Scent Works. I've only sent one email that wasn't answered within 1 business day, and when I did get it back there was a legitimate reason for the delay as well as profuse apologies. Do I think everyone has bad days? You betcha. Do I think you should be able to post negative experiences with ANY supplier? Sure thing. I doubt anyone who orders regularly from TSW will change their purchasing habits as a result of this post. For anyone who is considering them, I'd say you have very little reason to be hesitant.

Thank you & good night.

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Micro (sorry I just can't bear to add the Mom part), why are you taking such a personal offense to my post? Let me guess here....are you a long lost relative of SW with hopes of something to gain down the road maybe? Turns out they give nothing away for free I've been told. Even that famous SB promotion that's offered every other week- they make sure they add that in as part of the s/h and charge fully for it. Another nasty little unknown surprise from them that I never realized.

Same thing with the ...sh forum. Also, why do you find it so gross that I think that forum owners and moderators should have more of an allegiance and obligation to it's members and less to a chummy supplier? Someone like you would have fit right in perfectly during the Dark Ages or even at the Salem Witch Trials with all your venom and hatred. I thought you were someone important there for a minute the way your so loud and proud and then I realized that I've only ever seen you make consistently nasty remarks on a regular basis and you also grace us with all cookie or candy bar recipe once a year (and they're probably not even your own original recipes).

I suggest you log off ASAP and run right back now to the ...ish and continue phase II of the topic you started about, " I hate folks that are regulars here and hate us, have the audacity to hate the ...ish owner and our moderators, and hate our favorite supplier and blah, blah, blah."

I originally did send my supplier complaint form to the owner for prior "editing" and approval and I got the, "I don't really have time to read through this [comment.]" I must have been really boring her and her general view was that this had nothing to do with SW and was all about Fed Ex. I guess love is blind you could say.

And yes MWoblers, I wasn't happy in the least, after I placed my order, when a friend then told me that that famous London Lemon Curd FO turn brown in soap, but that wasn't my major gripe and you know it. It turns out that it's not even a lemon scent I'm crazy about (and I love citrus scents) and I definitely wasn't trying to milk SW to obtain a second free bottle of it, that's for sure. Simply put- I paid for it and so I wanted it. It's an ok FO, but it isn't that great. Just an overrated FO, like it's company. I suggest SW go public and all you blind devotees can finally have a share in the company that can do no wrong.

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I'm also a member of that "large" forum. Did you fill out a supplier complaint form over there, like everyone else does? They have rules & regs for supplier complaints, did you follow them?

I have no problem listening to customers voice their complaints about suppliers. It keeps all of us well informed. However, I do take issue when I see a customer trashing a supplier across multiple forums for the sake of hearing their own voice. There are more mature ways of handling matters, don't you think? What purpose have you served by trashing someone's business reputation across multiple forums where hundreds of SW customers frequent? Is it your intent to slam them so hard that they actually wind up losing customers b/c of your experience? That's a very dangerous line to walk, I'd be very careful, if I were you. Defamation is a very serious thing indeed.

I've been ordering from SW for 4 yrs. now, and I've never had an issue one. Comparitively speaking, their prices are right along the lines of every other supplier out there and their products, IMO, have always been top notch.

My hope is, that when/if you calm down enough, you'll be able to deal with your situation in a more adult manner.

Unjustly slandering someone's good name, especially if it affects their livelihood (business) is beneath low. What a shame that you chose to take this route to solve your own personal grievances with this supplier.

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HAHAHAHAHA..... Redrosie you are an absolute riot. Why do I take issue with this? There are several reasons. For some bizarre reason, you are engaging in a smear campaign of both a forum I frequent and a supplier I like to do business with. You sent out multiple pm's to people at the "other forum", with the sole intent of trashing this supplier. Hence my comment about the vanilla FO. Would you like for me to post some of those pm's here, for everyone to read?

And you still didn't answer my questions. When did you last order from SW? And did you ever fill out a legitimate supplier complaint at "that other forum"? Do you have documentation to back up your claims? If not, then you have zero credibility, as far as I am concerned. Hazelnut is right--you are asking for legal trouble with this.

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I hope a moderator will step in and just close this thread. I get so tired of this stuff! No reason for all the personal attacks, guys. Geez! :cry2:

No.. there's no need to for personal attacks, HOWEVER, RedRosie started this herself when she bashed "the other form".

And for the record.. if I remember correctly, before Peaks stopped specifically running this board, NO supplier complaints were even allowed, what-so-ever.

I've been here since 2002.. even though my sign up date says 2005 or whatever.. it says.. I just don't post here much anymore since the board was rebuilt after the first time it crashed long time ago.

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"Instead of accomodating the request, I could actually hear huffing and puffing like I was inconveniencing the woman and just trying to give her busy work. ...Okay, I kind of forgot about that rude incident..."

First of all, this is just my 2 cents. I have never ordered from this supplier. But the way I see things.. if ANY supplier is "too busy" to take care of customers in a professional manner for ANY customer, they are "too busy" to need my business. I am not referring to this one particular supplier, it is any supplier. I was in retail for a long time before I became a Respiratory Therapist. You have to treat your customers with respect, or you won't have any customers, period. Let me tell ya, it isn't always easy either, I've had to bite my tongue many times.

Had I heard the "huffing and puffing" you say you did, I'd have cancelled my order. I don't care how bad I needed the order or how good the product is. That's just the way I am.

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Terri, I agree, which also does not lend credibility to RR's assertions. Also, RR, you basically told a bald-faced lie in your post above. You said:

I originally did send my supplier complaint form to the owner for prior "editing" and approval and I got the, "I don't really have time to read through this [comment.]" I must have been really boring her and her general view was that this had nothing to do with SW and was all about Fed Ex.

If you had actually followed the directions for supplier complaints, you would have realized that they require no moderator approval prior to posting. You just fill in the form, copy the code so that the message about nobody replying to the thread except the supplier and the complainer, and then you post it in a new thread. There is no approval process. So, your lies are catching up to you. Keep talking. That hole you've dug for yourself just gets deeper and deeper. :D

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