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A sudden thought


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Hi all, my beloved friends!

I'm redoing my prices, after all I don't sell much. so very few people could be upset LOL!

I'm raising from 3x cost to 4x or maybe 3.5x, I don't know yet, but basically I just realized that: I have no direct competitors!

No candles shops here.

No Yankmee candles here.

No palm wax here.

No rustics here.

No embeds here.

No tarts here.

No mottles here.

Not so many scents here.

The only candles I see are in supermarkets. Very few in home fusnishing and decor shops. Believe me, I crawl the internet better than Google itself, I can't find anything. I have one competitor (not direct), she does handmade candles, she sells (I don't know if she really sells) only wholesale, I downloaded her catalogue and OMG so ugly candles, no repour, off-centered wicks, they all look like my very first candles I made when I didn't know about this place (and NO I won't tell her about this place).

So... I could do the price I want. I just have to care to promote the quality and uniqueness of what I do.

what do you think about this? I won't make crazy prices, I plan to attend to the rule of 4x.

I should rethink the wording on my site, especially on the home page, I never find the right way to present and explain what I do.

Who buys candles from me becomes a fan, they love my candles, because they are so beautiful and different.

So since I don't have yet a large customer base maybe this is the right time to think at a change of prices and presentation.

Oh and today I ordered 250 free business cards at vistaprint, I will put them in some mail boxes (here it's not against the law!).

Maybe I'm flying a bit high, so any help and advice would be really appreciated.


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ah-ah I know I can count on you when I write my sensless thought!

Currently my wholesale is 2x and retail 3x.

This is all theory because I got some request for wholesaling but not one turned in a contract.

Even the wholesail price it's a bit law as I mentioned in another post for a regular wholesale contract I should give the 20% to the italian state.

One woman whu runs a shop told me my wholesale prices are just fair, so I don't know what to on this front.

But I'm talking about angels sex, I don't sell!!!!

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Hi Cybersix - glad to see you are thinking on the positive side again! Got a bit worried for you there for a while. All I can say is go for it, because if you don't someone else soon will!!

And remember, there is someone else in the same boat you are, so if you ever want to chat just shout!


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Hi Cybersix - glad to see you are thinking on the positive side again! Got a bit worried for you there for a while. All I can say is go for it, because if you don't someone else soon will!!

And remember, there is someone else in the same boat you are, so if you ever want to chat just shout!


Hi katinka, thank you very much!

I finshed my new price list and it's online now, tomorrow I will send the monthly newsletter annoucning my new palm wax candles.. and the change in price.

How is going there for you? Feel free to write me!


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I'm not sure it's a good idea to announce your price change in your newsletter. It would be like reminding people how expensive they're becoming. Unless of course you're giving them a chance to stock up before the price adjustment.

Really? what should I do then?

Should I delay the new prices adn give them an announce with the newsletter?

Keep in mind that noone of the persons who signed up really bough something.

They just asked or signed up from the site.

I have on the price page one disclaimer that says the prices are subject to variations and to check before placing an order.

Oh uh what a mess!!!

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It's not a mess really. I just don't think you need to mention pricing in the newsletter. If they want to buy, they will have to go to your website anyway, they can't buy from the newsletter. So when they go to your website they can see the prices.

Unless you want to hold off on the price increase for a couple of weeks, then in your newsletter you could advertise a "last chance" type of sale and use it as a marketing opportunity.

Either way should be fine. I just think it would be better for the newsletter to talk about your candles and what's good about them, instead of mentioning money.

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It's not a mess really. I just don't think you need to mention pricing in the newsletter. If they want to buy, they will have to go to your website anyway, they can't buy from the newsletter. So when they go to your website they can see the prices.

Unless you want to hold off on the price increase for a couple of weeks, then in your newsletter you could advertise a "last chance" type of sale and use it as a marketing opportunity.

Either way should be fine. I just think it would be better for the newsletter to talk about your candles and what's good about them, instead of mentioning money.

Ok, got it!

I will cut the part about prices.

Thank you very much!!

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