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I thought I'd put in my :2cents: (and use that neat little icon).

I'm not personally exactly what you would call ANTI PARABENS... but if I can avoid it I will. And I certainly won't purchase something that has them, over and over again. But I'll try it and use it up.

On the other hand, my sister tries to be very aware and conscious of what is in ANYTHING, food products, etc. She truly beleives that anything with Parabens messes with her body. She says she can physically tell when it's time to stop using something because of the Parabens in it. Like me, she will try something a few times, enjoy it and know when to stop. I guess you could say she approaches these kinds of products as novelties. She has two young daughters who they do not bother, so there will often be a product in her home that she will grab just to use or try on a certain day. Out of curiosity or whatever. Then she will like it, use it more end suffering the effects and just stop using it. I can't quote you exactly what it does to her, but if memory serves me right, it's acts like too much hormone and or caffeine in her system or something. Breast tenderness, irritability, malaise..etc. My 8 yr old is allergic to Parabens in that a shampoo or something doesn't SHOW any obvious reactions, but I learned not to dare put a sunscreen with parabens on her face (which at the time was Bull Frog for kids) I can't say this as fact, that this was the problem, but it is a commonly known sensitizer and 99% of the time the culprit. So as to the question of if it matters due to rinsing... I guess it would depend on the extent of application, repition (possible build up in system as in my sisters case) and the degree of sensitivity. Thing is, it's just too hard to know, so when there are other options it seems wisest to go with them instead. Sometimes there isn't. All you can do is make sure it's listed in your ingredients for those who know to avoid it. Obviously many many many have no problem using it, it's in soooooooooooooo many things.

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ty very much. I have noticed any lotions ect. I see in the stores has Parabens. I have become a label reading fool...lol I read every label on everything in my house and having 4 girls we have lots of b&b products in my house....Does anyone know where to get fbb parabens?

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