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Liquid Soap


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I just got my Potassium Hydroxide this week and will tonight/tomorrow try my first attempt at liquid soap.:embarasse I have done all the reading I can get my hands on (including every post I can find on this topic here). I just thought I'd send out a quick request for any final words of wisdom? Advice? You know just for any last minute suggestions I haven't heard yet?

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Well this has been an exhausting experrience. Definitely harder than HP or CP and I'm not done yet. It is now diluted and sitting. Some of the things I found interesting from this first experience so far:

-Potassium hydroxide is FUN, I loved how it bubbled and hissed. My DH however was there when I put it in and it kinda freaked him out at first.

-It really can take 30 min (or more) to trace, I was ready to give up about 15 minutes before I finally got a light trace.

-Double boiler method is hard to keep it hot enough. Next time I'm going to try the crockpot. I also looked at it about every 5 min which probably contributed to this problem, but I couldn't stop.

-It really can take up to 8 hrs of cooking time.

Thats about the most of it I'm so tired now. Time for a nap. Oh and I have somehow ended up with soap past all over myself, my shirt is kinda crusty at this point. Luckily I wore one that is already ruined with wax.:o

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Wow, thanks for the update! I'm looking into making liquid soap myself, but it will be a bit. I'm waiting on my book to arrive so I can study! :o You'd think I was still in school! LOL Thanks for the warning about the bubbling and hissing too....I would probably run screaming from the room thinking that I did something wrong if I didn't know any better! :grin2:

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If you're a patient person, and don't really need the instant gratification of having usable liquid soap within 24-48 hours or so, you can always make cold process liquid soap. It can be up to a month before it's usable, but the effort expended is significantly less. No worrying about the double-boiler staying hot enough. No constant stirring while it's cooking. It's a thought. I've only made a couple batches of liquid soap, but they've all been cold process. With my young boys, I can't be standing over a double-boiler all day.:D

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Ok, last night I went to bed and it was super clear like the pic above. I was so pleased. Today I get up and it is cloudy. :cry2: Also super thick today. I assume everything is ok with it, I just got a cloudy batch? Perhaps someone with more experience knows more?

I washed with it and have had no irritation. Going to put this one back on and add some more water and see what happens.

On another note, the best part of this is my husband asks me if it is ready to use now (he is used to me making only CP). I told him it is and I put some in a bottle to go try it out. He says no, that is his bottle. He has never cared to try any of the stuff I've made as he refuses to use bar soap, but he wants the liquid soap. It's great! He's even asking when I am going to make him shampoo.:grin2: I guess now he can't complain every time I get a box of supplies, I can tell him I need it to make his shampoo. :D

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