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Water Crystals/Jelly Jars not absorbing oil. help?

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Hi all,

So I made my first jelly jar and I have a problem that I'm sure is so basic that you with chuckle at my niavity. :)

I can't get the oil to absorb into the crystals. I use the BC crystals and their instructions but they absorb the water and the oil just seeps to the bottom of the jar.

Any tips?

I did a search but could not find anything on it. I'm sure it is totally obvious but I'm such a dunce.



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I'm assuming you're speaking of Fragrance Oil when you state oil won't mix? Did you warm the water prior to mixing? I usually warm 10oz of water for 45 seconds in the microwave. Also, what size jar are you using? I usually add 10oz of warm distilled water to 2tsp of crystals to make an 8oz jar.

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Yes...we're talking Smelly Jelly...lol. The clear, unscented liquid soap allows the FO to adhere better to the crystals. I've never had an oil seperation with mine. My end product looks like beautiful colored crystals. No oils, no extra water.

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Well, first i heard of that!! Been making them for about 2 years! I never had problem with the oil separating though, I always stired when first mixed and then again couple minutes late. I might give it a try though - how much per 8oz jar?

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Well - I got mine and instructions from WSP. Guess different companies have different ideas. Guess all the crystals are the same, wouldn't you think? Anyway - mine have sold fine, so don't guess I will change anything!

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Well - I got mine and instructions from WSP. Guess different companies have different ideas. Guess all the crystals are the same, wouldn't you think? Anyway - mine have sold fine, so don't guess I will change anything!

I don't know if they're all alike or not. My intent wasn't to sway someone to NG or to imply theirs are better but I've never tried any others. Sorry if that's how it read. I thought that since I was giving advice on my methods, the responsible thing for me to do would be to mention everything I use and where I purchased my supplies in case it does make a difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought my crystals from BCN and used a few types of oils but all seperated.

I tried the drops of soap and presto. It emulsified and binded the water and oils. You really only need like 2 drops and it works.

Thanks so much for all the help.


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I don't make these things, but I was reading out of curiosity. When you mentioned the liquid soap I thought aha! The surfactants bind to both water and oil to emulsify the mixture.

I knew there was a reason for taking all these chemistry classes- to learn the science behind smelly jellies!

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