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BCS - Sugar Cookie =(

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I have been using NGs Sugar Cookie and have been somewhat happy with the fragrance until one day perusing through the forums I found a thread about BCS's version of sugar cookie (sissy's sugar cookie).

So many people raved about the FO I thought I just had to try it. I don't smell anything resembling sugar cookie. To me, it smells more like a snicker doodle (slighty cinnamon).

Am I the only one?

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I think it might be that I'm just so use to NG's now. Something different comes along and throws my nose off a little lol.

Well I can tell you that my sense of smell has changed drastically since I first started making candles. I have recently started testing scents that I tried in the beginning..several months ago...and I detect different smells in them now that I did not before. Some I still like others not.

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When I first started making candles, I went thru a period of not being able to smell vanillas. I thought they were weak, but I just couldn't smell them. Why don't you have someone burn the Sugar Cookie for you & see what they think. By the way, 5 years later I can smell everything. Carole 223 is fine for cookies.

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I also heard raves about this one so bought some off the classy's. I burned this yesterday and it smelled alot like Vanilla Bliss from Snowtop but not as strong. I detect a slight coffee type smell...weird!

Wax CB135

I wonder if this was a bad batch, or old? It is definitely a sugar cookie with cinnamon, but no coffee there. We have used this one for at least 4 years if not longer and it is really popular.

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I have been using NGs Sugar Cookie and have been somewhat happy with the fragrance until one day perusing through the forums I found a thread about BCS's version of sugar cookie (sissy's sugar cookie).

So many people raved about the FO I thought I just had to try it. I don't smell anything resembling sugar cookie. To me, it smells more like a snicker doodle (slighty cinnamon).

Am I the only one?

No, it is more cinnamony, I rename it, as I don't think it is a sugar cookie with buttercream icing type scent, but it is a wonderful scent. BTW----does NG throw well for you? I have never found a sugar cookie that is strong enough, until I tried Sissie's. I would love to have a straight sugar cookie!!!!
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Well I can tell you that my sense of smell has changed drastically since I first started making candles. I have recently started testing scents that I tried in the beginning..several months ago...and I detect different smells in them now that I did not before. Some I still like others not.

This is exactly what I have noticed. I am glad I am not the only one. :wink2: Sometimes, I don't trust my sense of smell anymore. I wonder how I can love some scents so much when I first started out and then end up not liking them all that much now or can't smell them as well. It is really frustrating.

Regarding Sissie's Sugar Cookie: I ended up getting Sissie's Sugar Cookie to after a tester tested it, but when I got to it, I was not satisfied. It was not quite strong enough or true enough. I think Peak's smell really good but it is not quite strong enough either. So, I am still on a search for a really true and strong sugar cookie.

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I bought some of the Sissie's Sugar Cookie after reading the wow reviews. I've put it in cba, cb135, 6006, and j223 without being impressed at all. I've put it in some of the tart wax I got from KY to see if it's any better in that. I'll probably melt one tomorrow since I made them about a week ago.

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I didn't like it either it smelled just as you described a cinnamon cookie. I'm not big on cinnamon scents so it really messed with my allergies and I felt horrible all night with a awful headache. Why is it the worse scents linger when you want them to go away. It was nasty.

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I didn't like it either it smelled just as you described a cinnamon cookie. I'm not big on cinnamon scents so it really messed with my allergies and I felt horrible all night with a awful headache. Why is it the worse scents linger when you want them to go away. It was nasty.

That is too bad, I know how you feel!! I get sick from patchouli, and that stuff lingered for days, I got so nauseated, I thought I had the flu! :embarasse Needless to say, I cannot make anything with that scent in it if I want to remain well! LOL

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i mix it with cookies for santa from BCN ...no cinnamon....

i don't detect the cinnamon straight either, but different noses pick up on different notes..i know that several peeps a while back thought it was more like a snickerdoodle and others didn't...which is why i still go for small testers to try ,cuz i just never know when my nose is gonna smell something others didn't.

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I've had this in a melter for the last couple of hours. I don't think I'm detecting any cinnamon, but I can't be sure. However, it's a .75 oz tart in a tealight burner with no impressive throw.

I'm going to get a couple of these out tomorrow for a couple of other opinions.

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i mix it with cookies for santa from BCN ...no cinnamon....

i don't detect the cinnamon straight either, but different noses pick up on different notes..i know that several peeps a while back thought it was more like a snickerdoodle and others didn't...which is why i still go for small testers to try ,cuz i just never know when my nose is gonna smell something others didn't.

This is so true. I read about people thinking Cookies for santa smelling like cat pee and dirty socks, and I don't get that at all. Wonder what makes our noses detect things so differently?

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I have been using Peaks Sugar Cookie mixed with Butterscotch. Everything you have all mentioned is the same for me.. I have tried SEVERAL sugar cookies and I have yet to find one that was strong enough on its own. I decided that it was missing that strong buttery smell.. I swear that if you mix some strong butterscotch to Peaks sugar cookie you will be blown away with the strength! I started out mixing 50/50 blend, but finally found that a 75/25 mix was ideal. My sugar cookie now throws like crazy and no one can figure out that there is butterscotch in there helping out with the throw.. Give it a try..


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I have been using Peaks Sugar Cookie mixed with Butterscotch. Everything you have all mentioned is the same for me.. I have tried SEVERAL sugar cookies and I have yet to find one that was strong enough on its own. I decided that it was missing that strong buttery smell.. I swear that if you mix some strong butterscotch to Peaks sugar cookie you will be blown away with the strength! I started out mixing 50/50 blend, but finally found that a 75/25 mix was ideal. My sugar cookie now throws like crazy and no one can figure out that there is butterscotch in there helping out with the throw.. Give it a try..


That's how NG's sugar cookie is - heavy butterscotch. I will probably switch back. One thing I want to add.. We just burned this candle again and IT SMELLS TOTALLY DIFFERENT! I like it now haha. I didnt think J223 had to cure for very long but apparently it still needed to cure.

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I have been using Peaks Sugar Cookie mixed with Butterscotch. Everything you have all mentioned is the same for me.. I have tried SEVERAL sugar cookies and I have yet to find one that was strong enough on its own. I decided that it was missing that strong buttery smell.. I swear that if you mix some strong butterscotch to Peaks sugar cookie you will be blown away with the strength! I started out mixing 50/50 blend, but finally found that a 75/25 mix was ideal. My sugar cookie now throws like crazy and no one can figure out that there is butterscotch in there helping out with the throw.. Give it a try..


Who has a great butterscotch? You guys are really making me hungry. TIA


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