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I opened back up

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I started my store again ... I am so excited to be able to do this again .. I am tired from all of the testing but I am good to go now . Please take a minute to check me out . I will take critasism but be easy on me LOL . If you see anything I should change LMK too please . It's been awhile and I am so not into wording things right . Any help is well needed . http://www.countryaromas.com

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It sort of bothers me the way you put a space before you use a coma. Also capitalizing letters in the middle of a sentence is sort of off setting to me. You need a space between the word 'personally' and 'I' on the first page. And are you sure you want to name your suppliers? Just little things to think about to make it look a little more polished.

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I noticed you are displaying your votive, lit without a votive container. I see you have the "burn in a tight fighting holder" statement in description but I would not show them lit without it. Picture is worth a thousand words. Just my opinion though.

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The thing I dislike most when going to a website is that 'opening page'...ugh! If you don't need it, I suggest get rid of it! Its really annoying to have to click through that page just to get to your products page...alot of us don't care for the cutesy 'oh look, its a front door' type stuff on websites..I am just interested in getting to the products! This is just my opinion tho! :D

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I don't know how to remove that front page , do yall ?

I use WAHM and in the admin area, you go to configuration, and the top box says "website home page" with 3 options (basic, advance, redirect to store) click the redirect to store, and save it and it should go directly into your store instead of your front page like it does now.

If you dont go through them, then someone else may come along who knows how.

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I don't see anything really wrong with your site. The only thing that jumped out at me is your prices. In my opinion I feel that you are not charging enough for your products. We all know what goes into perfecting our stuff so don't sell yourself short!

Of course this is just my opinion and I have no idea of your costs.

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I agree with what was stated above. I do not know how you are possibly making any profit with your prices as low as they are.

You do not want to over price but under pricing is just as bad. Once you establish a customer base it will be very difficult for you to ever raise your prices.

You need to factor in not only the cost of your supplies but also your time, your website to host each month... taxes, etc. I even figure in my electric bill and all of the costs associated with the production of the items that I make.

I even have an hourly rate that I pay myself for making the products...

Your website looks nice and clean.


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I hate being negative about things, and after reading through the previous posts, I feel like most of them have been pointing out a fair amount of negative things. I like the feel of your website, but there were a number of things that I really questioned.

I don't make candles, so I don't know a lot about the average prices on things like that, other than that they're usually quite a bit higher than you're charging. If you need some guidelines on how to price your product, I went into some detail on this in a post last week. You should be able to find it in the first page of this thread. While you may not have any wholesale accounts right now, you may down the road, and I can't see how in the world you could ever be priced to handle both right now...

The $1.50 flat rate shipping REALLY caught me off guard. To me, I don't trust this kind of offer. There's no way you could honestly ship anything for that little, which screams you've padded the prices elsewhere to make up for it. To me as a shopper, that shouts dishonest. I'd rather pay actual shipping and not have the products padded. If you'd like to offer free shipping or reduced shipping on orders over a certain amount, that is a much more legitimate and accepted marketing technique. But $1.50 on all orders, it raises a lot of questions in my mind.

Also, how you went about the Order Tracking, IMO, is incredibly wrong. To me, this feels like a breach in confidentiality. If you have the time to list tracking numbers on your website, then I'd change that and take that same time and E-MAIL them their tracking number. If someone happened to know a box was being delivered to someone that they knew, if they knew what day it was going to be delivered, they could easily swipe that package if it's left on the porch, and there's nothing you could do about it. I realize the chances of that happening are slim, but with all the concerns about the safety of shopping on the internet, all I can say is you listing tracking numbers on your website is waving a huge red flag for me. Even my DH, who used to train people on building successful sales-based websites, said this was a huge red flag for him (as well as the $1.50 shipping).

Once you get all the other factors lined up okay, you need to work on your optimization. From looking through it, you really don't have anything set up for your keywords, page descriptions, and metatags. But you should focus on getting the other issues cleaned up first. Websites are a lot of work, a lot of learning, and definitely labors of love. There's a lot more to a successful website than simply putting pictures of your products up, and attaching them to a shopping cart.

Sorry this was negative sounding. The feel and the structure is good and sound. There are just some things that raised major flags with me, and I suspect they'll do the same with other shoppers as well.

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The flat rate shipping is set as low as it is due to I have not clue as how to make it exact shipping . I tried to click on the MAL shopping link and figure it out I registered and everything and still nothing happened ? I am probably doing it all wrong ( as usual ) but I cant figure it out .. When I do however figure it out it'll be exact ..I did have a lady who helped me but then she started charging way more than I could afford for her help . The wholesale house I get 90% of my items from is dirt cheap . I do make profits off every item ( SO FAR ) But I know I need help and especially with the punctuations , spellings and commas and periods and all of that I NEED HELP BAD .. And I do ty for your input and am trying to fix all of what people are vocallizing to me on this , thats why I asked =) But so far the flat rate shipping is like this only because I cant figure out how to change it at this time .

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I understand about hating real-time shipping set ups. We had the same issue with a previous website. So we, also, switched to flat rate shipping. However, we took our average order size, and went slightly below that order size. We settled on $5.95, which is still a very good flat rate amount. I then put a note in the shopping cart that if they were ordering just one or two items, they could e-mail or call their order in, and I would caculate exact shipping for the smaller order sizes. It worked well. I didn't have too many call orders in, but my average order sizes did go up a little, since they were saving on the shipping. But $1.50, I can't even ship one bar of soap 1st class for that little.

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It is your business but I just want you to think about something....

You sell wax-dipped petals on your website for $1.50. Say, for instance, that everything including wax, petals, colorant, FO, bags, labels & ribbon cost you .50. Now say, start to finish, it takes you 30 min. to make a batch. You are actually "making" $2.00 per hour. That does not figure in your electricity to melt the wax, any cost for your website and everything else that you pay for.

It is your business and I am not telling you how to run it I just wanted you to see the big picture.

I wish you success.


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I would LOVE to learn how to do exact shipping , it is beyond me ( I must be old LOL ) I cant figure it out to save my life . I even offered people store credit to my store if they did it or showed me how to do it . I was going to raise it up to $3.00 flat rate shipping but the group ( yahoo group ) I am in use me and they sometimes just buy 2 or 3 tarts and don;t want to pay to much shipping , which is bad for me but great for them . So , I dont know what to do it is an issue for me MAJOR issue ..Now if I could get a teacher in here to teach me the puncuations , spelling and all that jazz i am good to go LOL

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The site looks good to me, fairly easy to navigate.

One thing I did notice is that when you click on the pics, they blow up way big. They are blurred on my screen. And might be hard for people with dial up, or slower systems.

Good luck

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