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Okay I think I am going about this all wrong lmao. I believe I am pouring my colored part while it's too thin. Is this possible? It should be at a light trace or a little more am I right on this or totally off base?

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Some of mine end up being swirled at medium trace too, because sometimes I am a slow poke about getting my swirl portions made. Or the weather's warm. Or the phone rings. Or the moon's not in correct alignment with the other planets that day. Or the soap gremlins just have a thing against me that particular day.

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Some of mine end up being swirled at medium trace too, because sometimes I am a slow poke about getting my swirl portions made. Or the weather's warm. Or the phone rings. Or the moon's not in correct alignment with the other planets that day. Or the soap gremlins just have a thing against me that particular day.

LOL...That's why I said as thinly traced as I can. I always try for thin. Sometimes I SB the color into the soap and that speeds things right along, if you know what I mean.

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It depends on which kind of swirling you are doing.

If you are doing "in the pot" swirling, then I usually pour my color portion back into the pot when its at medium trace.

If I am doing "in the mold" swirling, I usually pour both portions at light trace. I first pour my uncolored portion in the mold, then pour the colored portion on top and swirl around with a stick.

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Join the club. I can't swirl...Is it truly possible to swirl DWCP?

It is possible to swirl with DWCP. BUT it really depends on your recipe. I always do at least a 30% discount (sometimes a 33%) and if my recipe is right and my FO behaves, then I can pull off a nice swirl.

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I have poured at a very very thin trace a few times, and even holding the lip of the container just above the base color of soap (already in the mold), it sunk down to the bottom. I think it is possible to pour at too thin a trace. Just wait a couple of minutes or stir it a little. It will be perfect.

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