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embedded photo/water bath

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I'm just trying an embedded photo hurricane type candle. (The one with the gap in the middle as per the techniques and ideas section).

Quick question, its in the water bath (and what a truely professional job that is, NOT lolol), how long does it take roughly to set to approx 1/2 inch thick (from outside in)?

Are we talking 2mins or 20? Just the only way to weight it was to put a weight training dumbell on the top! (I know, not perfect, but all that I had to hand, and I just couldn't wait till tomorrow, to get something better)

You know how it is, get the urge, must make candle ;)

I don't want to lift the weight every 30seconds in case I disturb it

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thanks, just checked only about 1cm at moment. I'm so excited about this candle lol. My god, whats happening to me :D

Wax should carry a government health warning, this product is highly addictive ;)

It's for my aunty's 60th birthday, hope it comes out ok.

btw, when its set in the mould, do you have to take it out the mould within a certain time, or is it ok to leave it overnight?

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Hi WnW,

I've learned, the hard way, that a hurricane needs to be completely cool before I take it out of the mold. (I've cracked a few being impatient.)

Also, I Borrowed some of DH's fishing weights to hold the mold in the water bath. My mold has a base that the weights can sit on. Does your mold have a base?

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erm, I'm actually using my metal t-bag cannister :embarasse

I left it over night, but won't come out of the mould/cannister. Nope didn't use any mould release as 1) haven't needed it with the plastic tumbler, 2) didn't know what I could use in place of mould release.

I've put it in the fridge and tried gently squeezing the sides, but its metal lol and I'm not that strong :)

I've put it back in the fridge, gonna leave it an hour and try again. It does rattle slightly if I gently rock the mould, so must be catching somewhere.

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Its out! I'm so happy with that, looks good for first attempt, will post piccie later.

Couple of probs though, so can't use it, will have to remelt.

1) It's not tall enough, I used as much wax as I could get in my little milk pan I'm using! so when the votive in the container is inside, the flame is above the hurricane shell, so not illuminating it.

If I remelt, will I be able to remove the piccie? and use the wax again? I have another piccie to use. Will have to make it taller this time.

So, I guess next question is) what can I use in place of mould release? Is ordinary cooking all brushed on lightly ok?

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Do you have spray cooking oil? Like Pam or something? That works. Also, I tried using a tea canister once and it would not come out at all...so I bought molds. You can peel the pic off and re melt the wax. Good Luck

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I've never noticed spray cooking oil in the shops, will take a look. I remelted and the piccie just came away very easily.

I've made another thats taller. It's a pain getting the piccie to 'stick' to the side of the cannister/mould.

Leaving it till tonight, then in the fridge, bit of squeezing, lot of shouting and see what happens :)

Would it have to be a spray, do you think cooking oil brushed on would be ok?

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I really don't know, I'm no expert but some on here are. Maybe if you took a little cooking oil and put it on a paper towel and just smeared it around very lightly, might work! Try it and see. Hope it works for you, let us know!

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I think they use an insert for that type. I bought an insert but haven't tried that yet. Well, I did try it with rose petals but I wasn't satisfied with the outcome. Still working on that. It took me months (many of them) to get the photo's to my satisfaction! :D Lots of practice, lots of re-melts...but now I can get a good one on the first try. They're fun to do, hope your's comes out ok!

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aah snow, can I ask, the hurricane insert, is it hollow?

I need to utilise something I have at home lol. I was going to use the t-bag cannister again (oiled this time ;) ), but couldn't figure how it works from the instructions.

Could I, put in a plastic beaker as the insert? but doesn't the wax need to fill the bottom of the hurricane.

I've no idea how to explain what I mean :undecided

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The inserts are opened on both ends and fit down inside of the outer mold. They leave only a small gap around the inside so you have room to put whatever it is you want to put in between. You pour wax into the insert and it goes up the sides (in between) You then lift the insert out slowly, a little at a time, so it won't stick to the bottom. Does that make any sense at all? :undecided It's hard to explain, and like I said....I'm by far no expert. Hope that helps a little anyway. Maybe someone else will add to this and be a little more helpful. But I'm trying...:smiley2:

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snow thats great, thanks.

So it does go inside the insert, I couldn't understand why lol. So it goes inside, then seeps under the bottom of the inner into the gap with inserts in and fills upwards. aaah, I get it now :)

so a beakers no good then lol, unless I saw the bottom off ;)

hubbys not gonna be impressed, every night he comes home, I've nicked some household utensil and its covered in wax or chopped in half lmao

we now have just the bag of t-bags on the side next to the coffee and sugar jar :D

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fed up now :(

got it out of the mould, its perfect in every way, except the writing is all wonky :(

another one hits the remelt pot. Another problem is, its printed on white paper, and the wax is actually an old candle melted down which has the creamy coloured appearance, so when illuminated (which looks lovely btw) you can see the white outline around the writing.

I've nothing in the house at use to fill the hurricane instead of writing. If I have to wait till tomorrow to do another candle, I'll be well fed up, I'll have to go back to reality :D

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Actually I have used a canister for the insert too. I posted a picture of it last year. It was an experiment just to see if I could do it. I filled it full of water to make it heavy and stay in place then I put my flowers around the sides.....I oiled the outside of the canister too and the mold. I see that you are in the UK so maybe you don't know about Pam cooking spray. It is also called baker's spray......but if you use mineral oil that would be good too.....just always be sure to wipe all of your surfaces off.......use a paper towel. I have a professional candlemaking business and have all of the supplies needed....but I see your frustration trying to make do with what you have. I once used a round hair spray bottle for the insert....I cut off the top and bottom to make the tube.......it is all about being creative. Donita Louise

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Hi Donita, I was hoping you'd jump in here and help this poor girl, I did my best but you ARE the best. How did I do? :o When I try putting flowers in they never show up enough on the cane, haven't figurred out why yet. I'm gonna try again & again. Thanks

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If you don't have a close fit with the insert then use chunks to hold the flowers next to the mold wall. Just a few placed here and there help. You did a good job explaining SNOW........we all know that if you want to do it....it just takes practice, practice, practice........(smile) Donita Louise

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right, going to redo the one for my auntie tomorrow. Can't face doing the same one 3 times in one day, plus need to figure how I'm going to get the writing level, when I can't see thru the cannister.

For now, I'm making a hurricane shell with embeds (is that the word) in it.

I had an old candle filled with shells that I got for 10p from a carboot sale. I'm melting that down. Using the t-bag cannister and I've got an old gravy granules pot, taken the lid off and punched the bottom out for the insert.

No idea if it will work, but right now I'm just having run trying :D

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ooh thanks snow for those piccies :)

that one has a bottom in the insert. I've got both now, a tumbler and a gravy container :D

Will try it both ways.

Thanks Donita chunks are an excellent idea, I just happen to have some of those made :D

got a piccie of my mishap, shall I post it later?

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