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Rancid Oils - Any Dangers- besides bad smell?


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This may seem like a dumb question. But I was wondering if you you weren't sure if your oils (for instance SAO or GRapeseed) went rancid or not, is there any danger in using them on your body just as a straight oil for moisturizing. Feet, legs, etc. Not to sell to anyone. Is it just that they can smell off, or is there actually some harm in using them. Mine have been stored in a cool area, the SAO does smell a little stronger than I remember, but not really bad. I'm not sure if it's bad or not, and would use it for myself even if it had a slight odor to it.

Thanks for your help!

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Originally Posted by CareBear viewpost.gif

Rancid oils will do no harm. Not even if you eat 'em.

You're joking' date=' right? Please tell me you are...I just threw out some SAO & GSO...damned near full bottles :angry2: b/c they smelled off! Dammit!!!! Sharon [/quote']
not kidding. some claim the odors come through in soap, others deny it.BUT some feel that you are more likely to get DOS in your soap if your oils are rancid to start with. Again, others deny it.

Soap - the final frontier.

OK, my lesson for the day: Post any & all questions before you buy or toss anything! :mad:

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When vegetable oils are left out in air, heat, and light over a long period of time they become rancid because enzymes that react with copper and iron produce highly reactive peroxides and free radicals.

If you have no fears or beliefs that free radicals are dangerous, then go ahead.

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Whoa now - I certainly don't advocate using them for anyone but yourself, and I'm frankly not terribly concerned with the free radicals thing (puleeze, as if the (IMHO) minimal exposure to free radicals in some oil I rub on my body or soap with is even a fraction of what I'm dealing with living in New Jersey...). But that's my personal take.

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I know that you don't plan to sell anything with rancid oils, but I think that you should just toss them. The name RANCID says it all. It is old and no longer good. I just cannot see anything beneficial at all about putting something on your body that really should just not be used on anyone.

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Just to clarify,

I definately wasn't going to Sell anything . I am not even sure that they are rancid. (I know that sounds bad - like why would I even want to use something that was rancid right?) It was just that they really don't smell bad to me. That is why I was questioning, if there was any harm in using them for personal use if it is past the normal "shelf life" and they don't seem bad to me, but maybe they really are and I just can't tell. Does that make sense?

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Just to clarify,

I definately wasn't going to Sell anything . I am not even sure that they are rancid. (I know that sounds bad - like why would I even want to use something that was rancid right?) It was just that they really don't smell bad to me. That is why I was questioning, if there was any harm in using them for personal use if it is past the normal "shelf life" and they don't seem bad to me, but maybe they really are and I just can't tell. Does that make sense?

Made perfect sense to me.

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