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Rustics Stripes.

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When you guys make your rustics how do you go about getting the stripes right? What I mean is, do you plan it out before you do it? On paper? Or do you just get to know what you are doing eventually?

This is soo much fun :cheesy2: My metal moulds arrived from the States this morning and I am attempting my first rustic tonight :D I'm soo excited hehe.


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I've been experimenting with rustics this past week, and there's loads of recent tips on this board on making them, which is great!

I think though, it all comes down to experimenting when you make them! Some of the ones i've made i've thought oh no - that's not what i wanted at all, and my mum comes in and immediately says - i really like that one!!!

I had a very good idea in my head of exactly what the rustics i'm making right now were gona b like and how i was gona pour the layers. However after the first two layers really didn't go as planned i gave up and did them more randomly, so we'll see how they look when i take them out the moulds!!!!

So i guess i'm just saying get in there and have a go and see what happens!!!

Live and Learn!!!!!!

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Well.....:embarasse .....I made my first 'rustic'!! LOL. Lets just say that it didn't exactly turn out how i wanted it too hahahaha. It's pants, to say the least!!

First of all I got impatient and pulled the wick right out if it (oooooops), then had trouble getting out of the mould even though it was loose and would move back and forth in the mould. Got it out eventually and hubby looked at it and said 'NICE!'. ROFL it was a very sarcastic NICE though :laugh2:

Am i bovered??? :D

Its not at all rustic! It's smooth and shiny. Kind of funky lookin :tongue2: Oh well, it gives me a reason to have another go tomorrow :bliss:

Thanks for your comments and advice, i'm gonna need a lot more i can tell HAHA.


p.s. what's the best temp. to pour the wax at for rustics?

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Post your picture and we can help you.

Sounds like the top stuck on you. Right before I unmold I will rub the mold back and forth a few times in my hands to try to dislodge the candle from anything it's sticking too.

Patience is a virtue with these lol! Even I have to remember that.

As for design, I just do whatever comes to mind while I'm making them.

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I have just poured another rustic, well attempting one again anyway.

I poured into a cold metal mould with the wax temp just below 150. I'm trying a single colour candle this time so fingers crossed. What I would like to know is do I put the mould in the fridge once it has cooled back down a bit? Or just cool at room temp?

Thanks in advance.


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I've got a quartet of rustics setting up as we speak, the temptation to get the small one out of the mould is GREAT but I'm resisting!

I'll leave them all til the morning & hope they come out nicely.

I just tilt the moulds at a different angle for each layer & hope they look ok when they come out.


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LOL yes you must resist! Don't listen to that little devil sitting on your shoulder saying 'pull the candle, pull it out NOW'. I'm going to leave mine well alone until I get up in the morning. But, damn, I dream about candles when I make them before I go to bed......just HOW SAD is that?!?! *rofl*.

I'm trying a single colour this time because I got to thinking that I was trying to run before I could walk, so am starting nice and simple and uncomplicated (i hope!), then when i've mastered these i'll move on to stripes :yay:

Good luck with yours Sally, i'd love to see some pics of the result of your efforts. If you wouldn't mind :o


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That's 150F right? Maybe try a bit cooler than that too...I started with 142F

Everytime I tried at 150F they never came out right...Finally was able to post nice candles today...lol..only took me 10 tries...

i dream about candles when I pour them before I go to sleep, Especially when I make something new...:grin2:

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Well my lovely quartet finally came out of the moulds today but my god what a set of disasters!

The colours are great & the layers all stuck perfectly but the rustic caoting leaves a lot to be desired.

I need to take some pics before I burn them & ask the rustic experts for hints.


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That's 150F right? Maybe try a bit cooler than that too...I started with 142F

Everytime I tried at 150F they never came out right...Finally was able to post nice candles today...lol..only took me 10 tries...

i dream about candles when I pour them before I go to sleep, Especially when I make something new...:grin2:

I do too!!!!!!!!

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Please translate into American...hee hee hee. :rolleyes2

I'm assuming "pants" means something that is not good? I've never heard that expression.

Hehe - i think you need to remember that pants means summit different in the uk - basically, it's not trousers, it's what you weat underneath trousers!!!!


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