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Doing the happy GM CP dance!!


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For my 6th batch (yup I'm still at it)of CP I decided to try Goats Milk soap this time!!

Out of 15 oz of liquid that I used, 8 oz was GM. I mixed the water with my lye.... let it cool, then put the pitcher in ice water. In the meantime my grocery store bought 3.25% GM was in the freezer, which I got to a slushy stage. Then I carefully poured that into my cool lye water, and as soon as it was mixed well, I poured into my oils and SB'd away!!

And I'm to report that by golly, I think I did it!!!!:yay:

To make things even more challenging for me I used Cotton Blossom FO bought from Canwax here in Canada!! It did accelerate on me a little, and almost riced, but I beat the heck out of it, and even got a chance to make a quick swirl..:wink2: Oh and the swirl is the darker orange. My main batch is a lovely light cream colour. I think I still use to much of the batch for my swirl, but I'll get it... one of these days!!

I'm patting myself on the back here, hopefully I'll still be doing the happy dance tomorrow morning!!!:laugh2:


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I love GM soap!! I've been making the M&P for 9 months now and I love it, so I had to try the CP!!

I'm trying to keep it from gelling, but I think I'm losing my battle!!

Is this serious, can I let it do what it wants to, or should stick it in the frig???

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Well at the moment I'm going through GM worries....

Before I had a little oil on top, which seems to have gone back down... I guess this is through the gel process...

It still smells alright... It seems to have gone through a gel phase, with a tad of oil left on top, which seems to be receeding....

This is worse than my first CP batch!!! I sooooooooooo want to succ:laugh2: eed!!

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Oh my.... I didn't re-read my post very well last night did I??? :lipsrseal :embarasse I was in too much of a hurry I guess!!

Anyway, this morning there still was a small tad of oil on top but it's gone now and I do have a bit of ash, but other than that I think it's ok!!

I'm going to cut a slice of it this afternoon, make sure it's ok inside!!

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