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A Clean-Up Don't


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Usually I either stick my soaping stuff in the dishwasher and run it that night, or let the bowls and all sit overnight and wash it by hand.

Made soap last night and stuck the bowls in the dishwasher but forgot to run it. Ran it late this afternoon - apparently I didn't scrape out enough of the residue...


At least I know that batch will lather nicely LOL.

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Usually I either stick my soaping stuff in the dishwasher and run it that night, or let the bowls and all sit overnight and wash it by hand.

Made soap last night and stuck the bowls in the dishwasher but forgot to run it. Ran it late this afternoon - apparently I didn't scrape out enough of the residue...


At least I know that batch will lather nicely LOL.

:laugh2: Not at you, CareBear, but with you! Last night I put my soap bucket with my SB end and my whisk in the kitchen sink to let set after I forgot to do it the night before! After I woke this morning, I started to run hot water in the bucket I had let sit overnight and gots lots of bubbles all over the bottom of the sink. I can just imagine what a dishwasher would look like!:tiptoe: :tiptoe:

Thanks for the "tip"!


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Didn't know that about the vinegar (not that I will EVER need to do it again LOL)

I feel better that I'm not alone!

(and my dishwasher smells like Biscotti)

Run the dishwasher thru a light cycle (NOT the cycle with the pre-rinse) with a couple cups of orange juice. That should take care of the smell.

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I think it is Care Bear that has a green dishwasher anyway??? :P I recently turned mine a lovely terra cotta color and it is still discolored! I have ran bleach through it a couple of times! I have had bubbles poof out of the dishwasher several times and just utilize it on my floors! I really have just stopped putting the soap dishes in the dishwasher alltogether.

By the way, the soap I am referring to that turned my dishwasher pinkish also turned my friends tub a lovely pink. Thank God it cleaned up! Any suggestions on that? Did I just use way too much red oxide? These brilliant colored soaps I see on this board....do they also make funky colored bubbles?

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I had always heard that using citric acid would clean the dishwasher. Here is some info on how to do it.

Fill your dishwasher soap cup with Citric Acid Powder. Citric acid powder is used in canning and for aromatherapy, it may be a bit hard to find but will last awhile. Run your dishwasher empty on the regular cycle and when it is done your dishwasher will be fresh smelling and sparkling!

Ann M

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