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i'm throwing in the towel...

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I'm so frustrated. I've made about 45 candles with soy wax -gw464 and used some of the top scents suggested- peaks and nature's garden. Every candle I make isn't strong enough and all have a slight butter scent to them-which drives me insane! I wonder if it is just the wax, but when i go to the store, their soy candles smell awesome.

I'm really unsure what I'm doing wrong...

Any suggestions? :embarasse


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I am new to the forum and new to candle making. I have exactly the same problem. I followed the directions but have no fragrence, also the wicks are bending at the tip then drowning in the melted wax. I used Golden Wax blend 464, the wicks are HTP 105.

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I'm so frustrated. I've made about 45 candles with soy wax -gw464 and used some of the top scents suggested- peaks and nature's garden. Every candle I make isn't strong enough and all have a slight butter scent to them-which drives me insane! I wonder if it is just the wax, but when i go to the store, their soy candles smell awesome.

I'm really unsure what I'm doing wrong...

Any suggestions? :embarasse


When you can, let us know some specifics on how you are making your candle. Wax brand, how hot you heat the wax, how much FO used, what type wick, etc. Then maybe we could help better.

Sometimes if you get frustrated, it is good to just step back from it for a few days to relax your brain a bit. Then something may come to you and you'll get wound up again to try it. Believe me, we've all been through it! :(


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I am afraid that happens to the best of us. There are times when I have serious "Candle nose" and wonder what all the others see in a scent that I am not seeing. It may just be time to sit back and take a break from candles and see if things improve.

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I am afraid that happens to the best of us. There are times when I have serious "Candle nose" and wonder what all the others see in a scent that I am not seeing. It may just be time to sit back and take a break from candles and see if things improve.

Ditto. I had to take several weeks off from candlemaking for this reason.

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I have the problem with certain scents (food scents). I can't smell them while burning unless I am cooking meat! It is the weirdest thing. It has happened with many scents that my customers just love. I couldn't really see (smell) what all the fuss was about. Until......... I happened to be browning some ground chuck and WOW! Then I could smell it! Maybe that is what you need to do. I know it sounds REALLY strange. Has anyone ever heard of this happening before and why? Or is it just me? Try it, it may just work for you too!

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So Please Dont throw in the towel just yet!! Everyone has given great suggestions!! More info is needed in order to help. Alot of factors can affect the final product, .. are you melting the wax over direct or indirect heat? at what temp ? ... are you letting your candles cure for awhile before burning them? I started out with a para-soy blend and though I got alot of fo's to throw in it,.. there was also a weird odor that I eventually attributed to the wax, especially if i accidentally overheated the wax ! Now I'm using c3 and finally got one of my fo's to work! Its Peaks ocean and it took a bit longer to cure before I got a scent throw.,.. but now all i smell is the FO and not some weird wax odor!! Its working for me, so I'm gonna stick with this wax, and am going to order more fo's from Peaks since my fo's from another supplier just are not working with this particular wax.

Update us with each step of your process and the amounts you use! There are soo many experienced people on here that can help!!

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High temperature is rough on FOs. We add FO JUST before pouring...

Candle Nose is a HUGE problem! After pouring candles, my nose is blown for DAYS! It helps, when in doubt about scent throw, to have a friend who doesn't live with you to smell and test your candles! Time after time, when I am SURE my candles are not throwing well, my testers will report how STRONG they are!:rolleyes2

A heavy scent will also make one's nose totally ignore a lighter fragrance... recently my partner poured some peppermint scented pillars and some strawberry rose pillars. If one sniffs the strawberry rose first, I PROMISE you'll NEVER be able to smell much peppermint! Same with any of the more subtle, light scents... But, sitting in the same room with those candles... sometimes I get strong whiffs of the strawberry rose; other times, I get whiffs of the peppermint.

I have a very good nose for scents, but after blowing it out by pouring, there is nothing but time and getting the curing candles out of my immediate environment to fix my nose.

Obviously, if you have allergies or a cold, or any nasal congestion, you can forget being able to accurately judge scents.

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Yeah, I agree, "Candle Nose" can really be counterproductive, especially when coming up with new blends. I can barely notice scents even after a 7 day cure. However, I gave a chocolate-scented candle to a friend of mine for St V's day (triple wick with only 3% load in soy wax), and she says it made her whole house smell like chocolate. :D

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Hi Kasie,

I was in the same boat about a month ago. Before I bailed on making candles, I tried a whole bunch of different things for the possible reasons why I wasn't getting hot throw... none of them worked.

I decided to switch from a mostly soy blend to a mostly paraffin (6006) blend and things have gotten a lot better. I still need to figure some things out, but things are wroking out much better.

Try a different wax if you can't get what you have to work.

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GB 464 has its moments when it just doesn't throw well. I use it once in a great while when I need to pour quicker. But I personally feel its throw isn't as strong with FO's as the 415. Otherwise I just use the rest of mine as chunkies. I use NG and Peaks and it throws awesome in the 415. I personally think people when using soy should try both a CB and 100% that way they get a feel for both.

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