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what do you think of diystores?


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I have a website hosted with godaddy and have had it for over 3 years now. I had to pay a gal to design/maintain my website b/c I am completely clueless when it comes to html. I just switched to diystores and started moving my site over. It's SOOOO SIMPLE! So unbelievably simple. I really really like that I have 100% control over my site and you don't have to know a lick of html, nada. Beckie from Studio Beck Designs is great to work with. Cherry Farm Designs has some cute websets too and is quick. :) I can't recommend diystores enough! I'm using the paypal shopping cart.

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I use DIY as well....just switched back in September from a "free" site I had used for a few years. It was time to step it up a notch and DIY did it for me. I love their shopping cart feature, plus the customer history and blog features are cool too! I went with Trina Clark for my graphics. She is very patient and she is super to work with! Here is her site if you would like to see some of her work: www.clipartbytrina.com If you are interested in using her for your graphics just shoot her an email. I would recommend her to anyone! :smiley2:

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i was looking at some of the sites that use diyestores and do you have to have your customers sign up with a user name and password to be your customer? that kind of turned me off.

No, you don't have to leave that feature on when you go through checkout. Some site owners don't realize you can turn that off. :)

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I am considering changing over to DIY and have a question. Do I need to know HTML? I had to figure it out on the website I currently have and I don't even want to update it because it is so complicated. I don't even know how I completed it. My biggest complaint is it doesn't matter what I put for my meta tags for the search engine nothing comes up, because my webhost address is first than my webaddress, so that is why I can't get the hits I need.

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Do I need to know HTML?

No, you don't have to, but anyone who wants to have full control over their website should have at least a basic understanding of HTML. It seems a lot of people are afraid of it, as if it's some kind of monster or "thing that only nerds do". :D It's nothing to be afraid of, it's incredibly easy to do and you'll get a lot more satisfaction out of the finished product when you can look at it and say "I did all that myself!" rather than letting someone else do it or using some hokey design tool that makes your site look like it was cut with a cookie cutter anyways.

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You don't have to know HTML to use DIYeStores.com. It comes with the option for you to use plain text, use a WYSIWYG editor (which is a point and click type editor) OR to use HTML. So you have a few options.

I do agree with Nodtveidt that HTML is always good to know and it's not hard to learn, especially the basics. We do provide just basic sample codes in our documentation. like how to enlarge text, center text, change colors, etc. All are basics and easy to use. But again, it's optional! :)

Hope this helps!!

PS. I am getting ready to post a special for candletech members for hosting. Just waiting on access to the supplier area. So if you want to signup you might want to use that special! :)

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