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Everything posted by WishfulThinking

  1. Wouldn't it make more sense to keep the one that sells and discontinue what doesn't? A jelly jar should scent an entire medium sized house if the conditions are right. Windows closed, room doors open. You can't force customers to buy something they don't want. Stick with what they want. Evaluate where you buy scents from and pick ones that throw better.
  2. From their home page: Free Shipping Free shipping on all orders over $100 dollars! $100 minimum order size.
  3. I love, love flea markets. I'm currently in my 3rd one. No setup and teardown. At the end of the day, you just walk out the door. Much different (better) than owning a store. No cleaning, sweeping, it's all done by someone else. You can't possibly expect to make several times over your rent your first weekend. Flea markets are full of repeat business. If your product is good, the repeats will come. They will tell their friends. Expect to start slow and build your business up as time goes by. As for price, when I lower my prices or put things on sale, I don't sell as much. People will happily pay higher prices for quality products. Price things too low and people will automatically assume it's not a quality product. Flea markets are not places for the downtrodden, as some people snootily think. Perhaps 50% of the people who frequent flea markets are there looking for the unusual or for something they can't find anywhere else. I have good repeat customers in several states just because they were passing through town and stopped at the flea, probably for lack of something else to do. Some people are flea hounds, just like some people are garage sale hounds. I have also picked up several wholesale accounts from being at a flea market. Those who look down their noses at flea markets have no clue. I wouldn't trade it for any other kind of visibility. It beats the hell out of pounding the pavement.
  4. DIY;s cart figures the shipping cost. This feature is at no extra cost. DIY is by far the best host I've seen because you don't have to pay extra for features like shipping calculations.
  5. Well, aren't you special, lol. If you compare, buying in bulk saves you nothing with WSP. They jack up their shipping on pallet pricing just like they do on everything else. But if you think you're getting a deal, go for it!
  6. You can mix whatever combo you want. Just play with it until you get what you're wanting. Always, always, always use a preservative.
  7. It takes time for the oil to bind with the wax. If you are testing within a few hours, you are getting a different result than you would if you waited a few days. This applies to both how the candle burns and how it throws. There should be no hurry in making candles. Take the time to do it right.
  8. I could be wrong but I believe she's asking for templates, not someone to make the logos or labels. For templates, if you do a search for graphics templates or graphics software, you should come across several kinds of software that have templates for what you need. They range from very inexpensive to very expensive. You will just have to find software that gives you what you need for a price you are willing to pay.
  9. I didn't see Strawberry Musk. Is it a special order item?
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