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Waxing wicks.

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I waxed some wicks for some tapers that I made once. Hated it. The wicks wouldn't stay straight after that. For my pillars and other mold types, I don't wax at all. Works for me, but I am not 100% sure about why one should wax the wick prior to the pour anyway. Good luck!

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I also don't see the point of waxing wicks that are resident during the pore as logic suggests that they will take up wax at that point. However I am making votives with the wick pins that require me to thread the wick when the votive is cooled.


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It's habit. It's how I learned. For me, it was a way of keeping additional air out of the wax. Now I realize that others don't get air if they don't wax, but I do. It also makes my wicks sturdier, IMO. I soak mine in beeswax.

My initial experiments with beeswax show that it burns less well (slower)than other waxes. Does this have any effect on the wick burning properties?


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I prefer a slower burn.

No it hasn't altered the properties that I have noticed.

I also prime mine with beeswax, and not only does it add a hint of beeswax fragrance when the candle is burning which I like, but it also makes threading them thru holes easier. In containers priming the wick makes it more rigid, thus preventing the wick from drowning in the meltpool. Some of the experienced candlemakers suggest using a wax with a higher meltpoint than that used for making the candle. If you look at all the major wick suppliers, they all offer their wicks primed - I don't think they would do it without good reason;)

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