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hello everyone, havent been on here in awhile. I am a full time police officer and MOMMY so I have been so busy! Anyway, I was on here awhile ago and there was a post where someone listed some links of a company that tests and sells wicks. I can not seem to find that post again. Anyone know what I am talking about?

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www.wicksunlimited.com will test your candles and suggest the proper wick for your candle at no cost. Then they will send you samples of the wicks that they found in your candle at no cost. Sounds too good to be true. They ask for 3 candles of each scent you want tested. I called them last week and am getting ready to ship them a few candles. We'll see how it works out.


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www.wicksunlimited.com will test your candles and suggest the proper wick for your candle at no cost. Then they will send you samples of the wicks that they found in your candle at no cost. Sounds too good to be true. They ask for 3 candles of each scent you want tested. I called them last week and am getting ready to ship them a few candles. We'll see how it works out.


Shine that sounds just GREAT. Cannot wait to hear how that works out for you! Please keep us updated!

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www.wicksunlimited.com will test your candles and suggest the proper wick for your candle at no cost. Then they will send you samples of the wicks that they found in your candle at no cost. Sounds too good to be true. They ask for 3 candles of each scent you want tested. I called them last week and am getting ready to ship them a few candles. We'll see how it works out.


I think the only catch might be that they'll maybe expect you to buy your wicks from them? maybe? and I believe they have a 10,000 unit minimum

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Update: I called Wicks Unlimited again today. They assured me their testing is free. If you do decide to order from them there is a 10,000 wick minimum. I asked for a general price for 10,000 wicks and for a 6 inch RRD with a shot neck 15mm base it would be approximately 28.70/10,000. HTH.


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I'm wondering something...not trying to attack anyone or start a fight...just wondering about someone else doing the testing on jars and telling what wick to use. Isn't it like bypassing the testing phase, learning about your candles and your wicks and skipping the whole learning procedure about how your candles respond to what wicks? Wouldn't that handicap you in the future if your wax changes from batch to batch, or you use a different FO? As nice as it would be to have someone else test for me and save me a bunch of time, I think in the end I'll be thankful that I took the time to test myself and understand my candles inside and out.

Just my random thoughts....no harm meant....:D

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I've been testing almost nonstop for 3 months and have spent oodles on all different types and sizes of wicks. The only wick that seems to work in the wax I'm using are RRD's but they mushroom awful. Wicksunlimited asks for 3 of your scents a hard to wick FO, a normal FO and an easy to wick FO. They have access to almost every wick and size.

I see their testing as a good starting point and a way to save some money on purchasing wicks that just won't work in my wax. I will always have to be testing with each new FO and each new shipment of wax.

Thanks for your opinion and concern,


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  • 1 month later...

wow that sounds wonderful and like you said it will give you someplace to start with their results. And then it would be back to more testing from their results. I have seen them while surfing, glad you posted about this, anxious to hear about your results with them

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