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Whats YOUR Favorite scent in Salt Bars?


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ok Im on a roll here and I want to make more and more salt bars.

my first batch was Green Clover & Aloe.

just wondering what everyones favorite scents are in the salt bars.

Or any scents that dont work well in the salt bars!

Im ready to fill me curing racks!



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I have used our Sea Salt Breeze also and I love to use one that BCN sold in their discontinued line, Seashore. The salt bars just seem to scream "Beach Fragrance" at me. This is definitely my biggest selling soap. The beach scents really seem to draw people.


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Hmmmm.... im just curious ive heard of salt bars but have no clue how to make them. Are they mainly salt, does it take time to cure, do you need to add lye or other chemicals???? how do you use it???? thanks:undecidedToday

All soap needs lye. I good salt bar recipe is 75% CO and 25% shea. So if you are making 4lbs of soap, you will need to use to use 2lbs of oils and 2lbs of salt. Do a search for salt bars here, you can get a lot of info that way.

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I wasn't talking about hardening, but rather that it continues to mellow and improve over a few weeks. Mine too are hard and usable right from the mold (I do the 1 hr/175 thing too), but lather improves during a cure period and it becomes a little less drying as well.

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I always have to "play" with my soaps before they are cured. So I put them all on the curing rack..but then I take one and use it. and I will say that its been curing for a week or so...and the later does get better just even in the first week. I cant wait til these babies are fully cured!!

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