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How to get the color "coral"??

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This thread may be old by now but I thought I'd toss in how I 'ended' up with coral, lol.

I used a peice of Gold in one batch and had some of the batch left,(used it for a deep yellow on my Pineapple scented Monkey sharped tarts) then had used a bit of Ruby in another batch to make pink...and had some of that batch left. I put these together and it came out a gorgeous true coral. Scented it with a tropical fo + some of the Pineapple from before was now mixed in, and an Ocean fo... poured into an assorted shell candy type mold and I call them Tropical Sunset. :D I love this hobby! Hubby don't like the smell, lol... but I do so who cares, muwahahahahaaa!!

By the way, these were very non-precise wax color block type of dyes. But if you can figure it out, I suspect the intensity of the gold and ruby - even used at minor amts... will result in the same coral for you. I only work with a lb of wax at a time but it still diluted enough that neither one over bared the other, if that makes any sense.

Ok, i'll stop rambling now.:embarasse :D

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:thumbsup: Thank you all so much for your help with this color.

I did the yellow and a bit more red, and just played until I got it where I wanted it to be. Came out beautiful! I was needing it for Grapefruit Vanilla fo. i love playing but was in a crunch and went blank on which colors I needed to use.

You all are so helpful here Thanks!:D

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