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spray on moisturizer


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I'll bump this up for you because this is one of the things on my must make list, lol.

I know what kinds of things I want to add but i'm at a loss for where to start in regards to a simple base/carrier/whatever. I'm thinking of starting with Aloe Vera Juice and seeing just what I can add and still have it be 'sprayable'. OR perhaps a light carrier oil and then see how it works to add my IPM which is supposed to kind of take the greasyness out of things. I have a customer (actually one of my MK customers, lol) who can not use a lotion or anything that will soften his hands since he works with them and they get nicked easy if they are soft- BUT he has terribly itchy dry skin. I've been selling him a serum that comes in a treatment pump... $20 a bottle! But guess what? They stopped making it, lol. So now i'm determined to, lol.

Does anybody make something moisturizing as a lotion, but sprayable and not greasy? (sounds wonderful don't it??)

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Are you looking for a clear liquid base, or more of a lotion base? Lots of suppliers have a "concentrate" lotion base that you can adjust to your liking, from a thick cream to a spray lotion.

WSP has a "luxury moisturizing mist," which I think you will find some people like and some don't.

I have body splash from the Candlemaker's Store, and I just had someone ask me the other day if it was a moisturizing spray because it made their skin feel so soft. I don't advertise it as anything but a "splash."

I think true lotion sprays were a novelty a few years ago, and now you never see them anymore. I bought a bottle of the stuff myself and kind of thought it was stupid. You sprayed it on, but still had to rub it in like regular lotion, so I saw no benefit in it.

I think you can probably find some recipes here for making your own moisturizing mist if that's what your looking for.

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Has anyone used the body dessert from Bath Junkie was wondering if this is something you are talking about I love it and would like to know what it is? Its like a lotion but when you spray it on its like a moisturizer its not a lotion feeling base but in the bottle it looks like lotion????

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I'm JLDorrington's friend that tried the sprayable lotion from the base sold at WSP. I think it came out great. It is definately not for someone with severely dry skin, but for a problem with just a little winter itch it's perfect. Very light, liquidy, not at all greasy. It really doesn't even need to be rubbed in. This would be a great product for a man, possibly in a aluminum bullet bottle.:grin2: Plus, you'll need no color! The thing I think I like best about this product is it uses soo little FO. I also took some advise from the reviews on WSP, and used some polysorbate, because there was definately a problem with FO floatage. Good luck! You gotta try this product...

Brittany :yay:

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