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Problem with UV

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I have been using UV from Candlewic where you need to add A & B to the wax to prevent discoloration. I have added it according to their specifications, my candles are not in a lighted area, but I have too many candles that are discoloring and I don't have a clue what I should be doing. I haven't read where anyone else seems to have this problem. Somebody please help me figure out what to do!

Thanks, you guys are really great at helping us learn.


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I have never used the add A to B combo, but I do use the peaks UV and it works great, never had a problem except with a cotton candy FO and in that case I do believe it was the FO not the UV.

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I haven't used Candlewic's two part either. I use Peak's and have used Pourette's in the past. I don't recall hearing many complaints if any from the two part as far as reliability goes.

With Peak's, the only one I have had discolour at an alarming rate was "Pink Sugar" (Cotton Candy). Most will eventually discolour even with UV inhibitor, it just buys you more time. How old are the discoloured candles?


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I like Peak's UV over Candlewic's A&B. I never could get the A&B down just right and it's easier to just spoon in what I want. Keep in mind that your candles may not be directly in the light, but light will get to them. In some instances I've also had one color totally overpower another and others seem to get darker the longer they sit, regardless of whose UV I'm using.

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I have used several kinds including the two part from Candlewic. I really haven't noticed any difference except the price. The two part is very expensive but you only need a little to do the job. Pink is the color that fades the quickest on me......I also notice some FO's really make the colors ugly......like a dark colored lilac that when I tried to make it light blue it came out a tan blue....not a good look. If the FO you are using has a color it is going to have an effect on your color. Many of them are dark and that makes a huge difference. Keep some notes and keep experimenting....good luck (smile) Donita

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