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Looks great! Like you've put a lot of work into it. :grin2:

I'm picky, so my feedback is mostly nit-noyed type stuff.

Home page -- you've got "We hope that you enjoy your visit." twice on the same page. Once is probably enough - twice is too much sugar.

For your milk bath - how many uses are in the bottle? Just one? I'd like to know if I was buying something that was single serve or would last for a couple of uses.

Also (here's where I get anal) be careful when you are using "its" or "it's." If you mean that something is possessive, then use "its - Like its scent is heavenly." If you mean it is, then use "it's - It's our pleasure to provide you with quality handmade products." You've got "it's" when you mean "its" on the sugar scrub page.

I had a really good English teacher in high school and places that use its, it's, your, you're, etc... incorrectly immediately turn me off. :rolleyes2

Good luck with getting the site ready to go!!


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As one who has no website or any plans for one, I can only imagine the work behind getting this accomplished. I did not go through the entire site yet, but I did go through a couple of pages. You've really worked hard!! Congrats on getting this far.

Naturally, as a former typing and document processing teacher, I can't help but notice every little error whether it's grammar, spelling, or spacing. I did notice several spacing errors that mostly concerned before and after parentheses. I noticed a couple of other spelling errors on the home page that weren't listed above. You have the word continuely, but I think you might mean continuously. Also, "enjoyed you visit" needs to be corrected to your. (That was probably one of the most common errors I found when grading documents. Spell check won't catch that!) After that I moved on to the first page of the bath and noticed a comma between silky and smooth that should be corrected. Under scents, Amazing is mispelled. After that point, I got interrupted by a phone call and the husband.

I hope to take a look again. (Let me know if you don't want me to!!)

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As one who has no website or any plans for one, I can only imagine the work behind getting this accomplished. I did not go through the entire site yet, but I did go through a couple of pages. You've really worked hard!! Congrats on getting this far.

Naturally, as a former typing and document processing teacher, I can't help but notice every little error whether it's grammar, spelling, or spacing. I did notice several spacing errors that mostly concerned before and after parentheses. I noticed a couple of other spelling errors on the home page that weren't listed above. You have the word continuely, but I think you might mean continuously. Also, "enjoyed you visit" needs to be corrected to your. (That was probably one of the most common errors I found when grading documents. Spell check won't catch that!) After that I moved on to the first page of the bath and noticed a comma between silky and smooth that should be corrected. Under scents, Amazing is mispelled. After that point, I got interrupted by a phone call and the husband.

I hope to take a look again. (Let me know if you don't want me to!!)

Thanks Luci for the feed back. I think I have all of it fixed now. Time to take a break from it and leave it alone. lmao I'm so tired I can't think straight.

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gmp, I think those sections aren't completed yet.

Cindy, my principal used to make me proofread every teacher's letters home the first week of school. He caught me marking handouts at faculty meetings and made me start doing his own instead of his secretary. It's awful being like this. I can spot an error at 40 paces. It used to drive the students crazy. I think some of it is because of all the years of having to teach on a typewriter before the days of correction. (Yep, when I first started teaching it was on manual typewriters.) You youngsters have no idea how lucky you are.

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We test each and every candle before we put them up for sale.

I'd put the word 'Formula' after candle. I know it sounds silly that someone might actually think you tested the actual candle you are selling, but that's what it says, lol... and yanno how people can be!;)

We hope that you enjoyed your visit to our site.

Since this is the first page I was brought to from following your link... I'm not about to leave already ofcourse. I would change the wording a bit there- change the past tense (enjoyed) to 'Enjoy'.

Feel free to contact with us with any questions or suggestions

'With' is used too repetitively making it sound wrong. The first 'with' is probably not even necessary. Or take out the second 'with' and add 'if you have'.

Hope that makes sense. My spelling and grammar are not the best but I find that if things flow nicely the errors aren't as noticeable. That's as far as i've gotten so far but since it wasn't mentioned yet I thought I'd toss that out. Looks good though- nothing major so you are doing great! Congratulations!

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