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OMG Has this happened to you?


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I just found out that my husbands aunt is starting her own candle buisness. She only lives about 2 miles from me and just got her shipment in today. We are not all that close to her but she has been calling me alot since I have been making candles. She been buying off me alot latley also. I am so scared she is going to resell my stuff. I called her today about it and she said she bought some candles from some place called annabells soy candles from the internet for resell. I am just so angry and wanted to vent!:angry2:

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I can sooooo relate! Last year I sent my Mom a Pie candle for Mother's Day. She took it to work and all the ladies HAD to have one (or two)! I was thrilled and ended up doing over 50 of these pies and shipping them to her in New Mexico! Next thing I know, she is calling my sister and having her call me and ask me all kinds of questions about candlemaking! I thought it was kinda odd but that maybe for once in my life she was actually proud of me and just curious! Boy was I wrong!! I get a call from my sister a week later telling me that my Mom has started making candles and selling them to the ladies at work!! :angry2: I of course told her about the need for testing, testing, testing .... etc, but she didn't want to hear it! She had the nerve to tell me that if I could do something .... then she could sure as hell do it just as good if not better! *faint* I know we were never that close because she only ever really wanted my little sister & brother .... but DAMN! We really haven't spoken much since!

Sorry to hear what is going on with you. :awww: :wink2:

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So sorry to hear what has happened to you.

I had a SIL start a B&B biz several years back, which was in direct competition with me. I was in shock. This is a very small island.

That said, I tend to find that copycats are generally one-trick ponies who are a flash in the pan, then gone.

Slow and steady wins this race. Keep the faith. :)

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Holy cow, thats low. I have a feeling someone I know is considering going into the B&B line, she makes candles, and has so far brought out a "room spray", which I also carry. She's offered to take my line to candle parties, provided I "make it worth her while". She's also been asking questions about my supplier. :undecided I gave it to her, but I'm changing things up, so I'm using a new one anyway. :D

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I can sooooo relate! Last year I sent my Mom a Pie candle for Mother's Day. She took it to work and all the ladies HAD to have one (or two)! I was thrilled and ended up doing over 50 of these pies and shipping them to her in New Mexico! Next thing I know, she is calling my sister and having her call me and ask me all kinds of questions about candlemaking! I thought it was kinda odd but that maybe for once in my life she was actually proud of me and just curious! Boy was I wrong!! I get a call from my sister a week later telling me that my Mom has started making candles and selling them to the ladies at work!! :angry2: I of course told her about the need for testing, testing, testing .... etc, but she didn't want to hear it! She had the nerve to tell me that if I could do something .... then she could sure as hell do it just as good if not better! *faint* I know we were never that close because she only ever really wanted my little sister & brother .... but DAMN! We really haven't spoken much since!

Sorry to hear what is going on with you. :awww: :wink2:

Jennie, I just read your post to my mom and we are both MORTIFIED. How horrible for you & candlecrazy. :tongue2:

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WOW what a slap in the face! I honestly dont know how I would react to this if I were you..lol Honestly I am still trying to deal with the fact that my MOM actually said to me..you should bring your sister into this with you..cause SHE was the one who was always into making candles. HAHA she re-heated a couple of store bought candles in the microwave once and poured them into a container, I hardly call that candle making..lol Family is weird when you go out and do something of your own sometimes, cant explain it but it does happen! I just try to look at it as a compliment, they see you are doing something you love and are actually making money with it so they want in on it too...you cant blame them for that but would be nice if they would find their own niche to get into. Good luck! Maybe once she realizes how much money and time is actually invested into this business it wont last long for her.:wink2:

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Wow.. I too am very sorry.. When I first found CT I scoured it for all the info I could imagine.. I came across a similar thread and found out very quickly that you have to protect your formulas and suppliers if necessary. People look at what I make and think that it is very easy. They never saw all of my testing failures and how my products evolved into what they are today. Not to mention the thousands of dollars that I have spent just in testing. They just see the money I am making and think they can jump in create successful products right off the bat. I just laugh.. I have sold candles with gals that just started out and have offered to help them with suppliers only because they do products that are very different than mine. I love to help, but I will never tell them what exactly goes inside of what I make. I have had several people "fish" for info on what exactly goes into my products, so I depend on vaguery! Good luck.. and remember.. guard your formulas and trade secrets.. cover the boxes stacked up in your living room.... sounds crazy, but I don't like for anyone to see what kind of waxes I use.. the internet is too easy to search for supplies and suppliers.. Seems like everyone is looking for ways to make a quick buck.. as for me.. I have literally spent THOUSANDS to make great products and no one is going to get my info.. not even my mom.. GOD love her!:D

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Jennifer - we made have been separated at birth. I had my 'Mommy Dearest' say something nearly identical to me several years ago.

I can sooooo relate! Last year I sent my Mom a Pie candle for Mother's Day. She took it to work and all the ladies HAD to have one (or two)! I was thrilled and ended up doing over 50 of these pies and shipping them to her in New Mexico! Next thing I know, she is calling my sister and having her call me and ask me all kinds of questions about candlemaking! I thought it was kinda odd but that maybe for once in my life she was actually proud of me and just curious! Boy was I wrong!! I get a call from my sister a week later telling me that my Mom has started making candles and selling them to the ladies at work!! :angry2: I of course told her about the need for testing, testing, testing .... etc, but she didn't want to hear it! She had the nerve to tell me that if I could do something .... then she could sure as hell do it just as good if not better! *faint* I know we were never that close because she only ever really wanted my little sister & brother .... but DAMN! We really haven't spoken much since!

Sorry to hear what is going on with you. :awww: :wink2:

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Sorry to hear how you are being treated by family. FYI to make sure no one knows who I buy wax from I break up or cut up each wax shipment and store the wax in the plastic buckets my kitty litter comes in. They are stackable and it is so much easier to get to my wax now. Hated restacking those 55 lb boxes of wax since the wax I wanted was always on the bottom. Course I'm not big enough to by by the pallet.

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I know what you are saying. My mother and sister did the same thing to me. Me and my sister started selling together and had several disagreement. So I went off by myself with my daughter. Then my mom got ahold of my sister and they started making candles. Oh well that is family or you. Like you said you can not trust anybody.

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I am so sorry about "family" copying your hard work thinking it is an easy buck. My best friend did the same thing to me !! She and her family was some of my first big customers. After one visit when I was working (in the kitchen at the time) she seen my set up. Presto pots, fragrances, poured jars with wick holders, etc. Low and behold, she thought she could make candles cheaper than buying from me - LOL. To this day, she doesn't buy finished product from me but occasionally will want to buy wax and fragrances and stuff, so I "up" the price on her. She normally gets her supplies from a supplier clear across the country and pays thru the nose for shipping - LOLOL - which BTW is a supplier I have never used and have heard "iffy" reviews on. Lately, she hasn't been making many candles or burning them since she was careless and almost burnt her house down by not paying attention and DID NOT have candle insurance. She bitched to me for months about that! That is one scenario - another one for me is a regular customer emailed me and wanted to know if I would mentor her as she was beginning to start a small candle business. I kindly told her my business and candle recipes are "proprietary" and she must test for herself. With this being said - I don't reveal ANY secrets to even family. My mom is always wanting to know the financial end of if - which annoys me. My business is MY business - no sharing here.

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That seems to happen alot, when someone is doing well and others seem to think they can "make it big" right off the bat. I had a customer/neighbor that used to buy from me during the holidays,mostly refils. She decided to start making her own candles, because she thought it would be easy & she could make big $$$ :rolleyes2 well her S-I-L is a good friend of mine, and she had the nerve to put her up to asking me where I get all my stuff from, especially certain FO's ( the ones she used to have me pour for her). Me, being the smart alleck I am, told her S-I-L that if she wants that stuff so bad, she can purchase it from me. :D

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