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Need Suggestion for home display racks (for container candles)

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I will be selling candles in my home to the local people and freinds/co-workers...however I can't seem to find a good display that will hold my candles without breakingsanta frow . I tried the cheap bookshelf with 5 shelves and the particle board warped and, OH, what a mess afterwards. So...any advice on what kind of reasonable priced heavy duty shelving units I can buy to hold my container candles (about 200 of them) would be much appreciated...websites? stores? I'm not looking for shelves to nail to the walls, either, just a big display rack with several shelves.

Thanks again,


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I use those wire racks Candle Man posted above for my soap curing shelves. lol They are super sturdy and hold a LOT of weight. :)

For my home candle display, I like a cabinet that closes so my candles are protected from UV light. When customers come I can just fling open the doors. lol Here's what I use. I got this cabinet at Target. The shelves are shallow (they don't go way deep into the cabinet) so they are perfect for my needs. Edited to add: Each shelf can hold about 50 candles, and there are 5 shelves.


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AJ - How long have you had that unit?

I'd be concerned over the Ready-To-Assemble stuff (and this looks like one of those, correct me if I'm wrong) as the shelves will eventually bow underneath the constant weight of the candles.

Actually, it looks like you might have some bowing on the shelves already, unless that's just some fisheye'ing from the camera lens

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Gravity, I've probably had this unit a couple of years, at least. You're right -- in the pic the shelves look bowed. Weird, 'cos when I went back to check, they were straight as can be. I tried to take another pic but it was too dark in here and my camera stinks in low light. lol

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I use this too.But I have trouble with my jars staying upright on the shelfs.

I thought about covering cardboard with fabric to fit. When I brought one it cost around 50.00. The wheels ..seem like round 20.00.Too expensive.

I would suggest this shelving unit too 0001764199497_L4.jpgbut with the wire shelves you may need to add some plywood on the shelves for some candles, they don't sit real well on the wire alone.
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Gotta agree with the others about the shelves from Sam's. I believe mine were less than $70 each and that does include wheels (someone said the wheels are an additional $20). I got mine over a year ago, so the price may have increased somewhat, but I believe they're well worth the money!

Here's a link to a thread I started when I first got these shelves--I loved them then and still do!!



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