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A request but not sure?

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My friend is into my candles now but first started she said you have to triple scent.I proved her wrong so now she is sold.

Tonight she asked me if I could make a certain candle for her co-worker.The co-worker brought one to work.Showed her and asked if I could do one but maybe a container candle with wide mouth jar.The candle was a pillar(2 wicks) and a gift last year.It was a vanilla scented candle made with cinnamon sticks in it.When it burned it melted and made a swirl effect and the vanilla and cinnamon blended nicely and the aroma was awesome.I said "Why can't I just mix cinnamon and vanilla" but the look and how it burned she wanted that combination in a jar of some sort.

Has anyone done this and is it safe or do you think it would be?I am sure I can find a jar or pan of some sort and do a couple wicks with it? Just not alot of time to test and I have 4 orders this week.And planning a OPEN HOUSE if I get decorating.

Thank You,


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If you found some way to do it so that there was absolutely no chance that the cinnamon sticks could float over to the wick and catch the entire top of the candle on fire then it might work.

I think "not a lot of time to test" and putting combustible items in a candle are not really a good mix, though.

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I was thinking the same thing.FLAMMABLE.Even mentioned wasn't sure to my friend but it was the pretty swirl effect.Would love to know where that candle came from?A local candlemaker or mass produced and brought at a store.Friend said it was a big pillar candle,a gift to her co-worker and had lasted a year but sure she didn't burn it constantly.

I could test and then it does fine but sure as I make and sell it to her a "fire".I don't take chances.I was asked to re-fill jars and would love to but I made it a practice not to.I have been approached several times for that and told I would have good orders.Still won't.I sometimes think these people are fishing to see your answer.

Thank You for the input.I wondered about the whole thing.My instincts were right.


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My thoughts exactly, Vicky. Perhaps the "cinnamon sticks" were actually imbeds made from brown cinnamon scented wax? That would work as described, creating the swirl effect as they melted in. I haven't personally seen it, but I think that could be a really neat thing to make.

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Probably a good possiblity.My friend works and has a good job but cannot see.She is going in for a cornea transplant and she may not see what the candle is and the co-worker might not know either.I did ask "You mean those sticks you buy and answer yes" but we candlemakers do question that.

I am going to come up with something with wax since she wants a swirl or maybe just a unique look when burning.Since I don't do pillars(yet) but they thought I could do a container of some sort.I am going to work on it with some type of scented cinnamon wax and vanilla candle.


So another idea in the making.The ideas of mixing can be endless.Going to come up with a name for it.First though need to make and test.

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