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Smelly Jelly Discoloration

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I made my smelly jellies last week sometime, and I noticed tonight that the nice orange color they were had turned to a light brown color. Does anyone know why this might be? They still smell fine, they just don't look very pretty.

Would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!



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I have made smelly jelly while back....one was Birthday cake from Millcreek Candle supplies

and I colored them blue and all was cute and good, then next day

i go and check on them and it's BROWN!! Anyhow, I think it's cause of vanilla based fragrance oil may be the reason why products discolors.

maybe other's have better experiences with it and what not. but this is what happened to me.


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That could be! I mixed banana and a little vanilla. Hopefully someone can say for sure but since we both experienced it with vanilla added, I bet you are right!! That stinks thought because it smelled yummy! :)

Thanks for the reply.

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Fragrance oils react faster in smelly jelly's than they do wax and soap.. nauture of the beast. And FO that contains Vanilla will become darker and evenually turn brown because of it. Some more quickly than others.

That could be! I mixed banana and a little vanilla. Hopefully someone can say for sure but since we both experienced it with vanilla added, I bet you are right!! That stinks thought because it smelled yummy! :)

Thanks for the reply.

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Hi- just thought I'd add that I made mine dk lavender-ish, lol... scented lilac and they are still bascily purple. One seemed to darken... or maybe one lightened??:rolleyes2 They are pretty. But that's it. No throw whatsoever. And I added and added fo (English Ivy), lol. They are in my kitchen window right on the other side of my sink. I stand there and do dishes and never smell a whiff.:cry2: Has any body done anything else with these scent related? TIA

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i was told when making smelly jelly and have seen "Candle Man" mention here in posts

that when you make a jar of smelly jelly...it is to take 1oz of f/o to have successful throw. Now to me, THAT'S ALOT OF OIL for 8oz smelly jelly..lol

But I experimented with it and sure enuf...1oz it is. on reg. line of oils

now with super stronger oils, then 1/2oz. LIKE DAYSTAR OILS :drool: LOL


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Thank you Dani! I have read all over the place how to do these, and they pretty much just say 'add FO'. Or '... add fo to your liking'. Well it's really quite a small little jelly jar and I thought I was just tossing in 1/2 teaspoons at will and being a big waste trying to get this thing to 'work'. Smells wonderful in front of my nose. Just seemed crazy ridiculous that I couldn't stand there doing dishes and pretend instead that I was in a feild of lilac trees. :D Especially when these seem all the rage! So thank you for clarifying that for me!

In conclusion... use sale oils. ? Heee.

Rofl- i'm watching Desperate Housewives re-cap... this was my favorite line of the entire season.. Gabrielle to her maid turned surrogate:"Tell it to my Chinese friend...'SUE-ME!!!" :laugh2:

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Thank you Dani! I have read all over the place how to do these, and they pretty much just say 'add FO'. Or '... add fo to your liking'. Well it's really quite a small little jelly jar and I thought I was just tossing in 1/2 teaspoons at will and being a big waste trying to get this thing to 'work'. Smells wonderful in front of my nose. Just seemed crazy ridiculous that I couldn't stand there doing dishes and pretend instead that I was in a feild of lilac trees. :D Especially when these seem all the rage! So thank you for clarifying that for me!

In conclusion... use sale oils. ? Heee.

Rofl- i'm watching Desperate Housewives re-cap... this was my favorite line of the entire season.. Gabrielle to her maid turned surrogate:"Tell it to my Chinese friend...'SUE-ME!!!" :laugh2:

love that one....SUE ME!!! CUTE!! :laugh2:

yeah i would use sale oils hahaha


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I made one scented WinterSnow and it was a very light blue. It is now a brownish color, it almost looks dirty. I was told 2 different things when I was inquiring, the first was that the wet crystals soak up oder and that is causing the discoloration. The second was that because I don't add alcohol of some sort for preservation that they were going bad. I have been way too busy to test either theory but it might give you something to go on. HTH

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I have tested them throughly and the discoloration is from vanilla in the FO. Each scent will discolor at a different rate and will discolor faster in direct light.

The only way to use vanilla in them and not have the brown show is to use colored jars, if you can find them, or get some bake-on glass paint and color them yourself.

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