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Palm wax and scent throw

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Hi everyone,

I love the look of feathering palm, but to me it's scent throw is very weak.

I use candlewic's feathering palm, 3 tb palm stearic and 6% FO. They look beautiful and come out of the molds easily. I use LX wicks and they burn nicely too. But they just don't throw much! (in comparison to soy blend containers)

Am I doing something wrong or is that just the nature of Palm? (Or do I have candlenose?) :o

I guess I should also mention the FO's I use are from Peak and NG.

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We get about the same scent throw from our palm wax as we do from soy, perhaps a little less, but not so much as you'd notice - we average 1 oz. (weighed) of fragrance oil per pound of wax. You MAY have candlenose...or not! It strikes us all at one time or another...:grin2:

We seldomly pour palm wax at real high temps, and we add the FO right before pouring... I think high heat diminishes some FOs... We use the palm wax from JBN and FOs from them and Peak and Wellington, so that might be a factor also.:wink2: We usually use a little palm stearic and CDN wicks (from JBN).

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Thanks celicagtca and stella. Have any other Palm users compared scent throw in palm wax from different suppliers? I've only used candlewic's. Their website says 6% FO load. One time I did 7%, and after burning for 3 hours and then cooling and resetting, there reset burn pool had a "burnt" look.

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Yeah, MoonShadow, we found out that it doesn't pay to fudge when pouring into a really "tight" mold... little whoopsies here and there... haven't had to dig one out yet, but we've broken more than one, so when we're using certain molds, we do amp up the stearic as insurance.

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You can also add 1-2 tsp. of Vybar 343 per lb of wax.

Depending on the fo, I can use up to 1.5 oz of fo per lb.

I've never had to use stearic, I read about how peeps have problems getting the palm out of molds and I have never had that problem. It has always released easily from any type mold I use. ( knock on wood :) )

Also it seems that palm throws better the longer it cures.

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