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New and need help!

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I am new to the board and new to candle making. I have been wanting to try it for some time now and have been intimidated by it all..lol But I think I am ready to go for it! :D I have been reading a lot on the board and am excited to get started..:drool:

I want to start with the jar candles I think and was wondering if you could tell me what exactly I would need to get started and give this a try. I think I want to do the soy wax candles. Is that recommended for a newbie? I don't want to start with something that way above me and get discourged.. I am very confused as to all the different kinds of wicks. I know it says to try several and see what you like, but I wouldn't even know what to start with. Is there additives I would have to add to the soy wax?

I know I need the Presto pot and jars,FO,wax,wicks..Anything else? where do you recommend I get my supplies from.. I know A lot of questions, sorry..:undecided

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you!!


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you sound a lot like me...i am a newbie too..i did my first votives today..made 6, just to test the waters lol...they are now cooling, and i am anxiously waiting to do my repour..

as for the soy stuff..i have not even looked at that stuff yet..i decided to start small..baby steps for me...as for me i bought the presto kettle, a therm.

a 1# of wax, votive molds, a postal scale(that i didnt use this time)wicks and i think that is all..oh and of course fo and color block..i bought my stuff from micheals, just casue i couldnt wait..and if this turns out to be a good thing for me i will order online...well good luck...it was kinda scary...and still is..all the testing people talk about on here is kinda overwhelming to me...but i am reading, reading and reading..good luck...

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soy is great thats what i started out with, i got a starter kit which was wonderful cause it tells you exactly what to do. and that way your also not wasting alot of money if it turns out your not that into it. but yeah soy is pretty easy to work with (this coming from the person who has only touched soy lol) but i am also a newbie. and i have actually found that tins are awesome their pretty easy to wick and people really seem to like them

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Try this: http://www.candleandsoapstuff.com/Suppliers_by_State.html

You should be able to find a supplier near you with this site. Good luck with your ventures. I chose to go the route of a blend. I buy 50/50 from candle supply by Farmhouse. I buy my fo's from Farmhouse, peaks, tri-state, candlewic, and Bitter creek. You will find what you like from certain suppliers and just go with it. Have fun!:D

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I purchased a kit from http://justbynature.com/ It had everything in it to get your feet wet. I did get a glass thermometer (didn't like the one in the kit) and a digital scale to weigh everything. I didn't like the jelly jars but that is personal preferance. Since then, I have tried 2 other soy waxes trying to find a local supplier. The FO's were great, again I am trying more local suppliers for these to save shipping but have had no problems yet. From my short experience at this, I have found that soy is frustrating but stick with it I think it takes patience and consistance to work through the problems.

Good luck and keep reading this board, you'll find some great advice and also find that even the "experts" still have problems. (at least that's what keeps me going, that it is not as easy as it sounds to pour a candle and get it right the first time)

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Thanks everybody for responding, I appreciate your help! I looked at the link to find a local supplier and was very bummed to see that there are NO local suppliers in my area! I live in Oregon and according to that site they are all soap making suppliers :cry2: :cry2: I thought it would be cool to actually go to a store a check everything out, talk to the sales staff and also save on shipping..

What is the difference and/or the benefit of using 50/50 instead of plain soy? Is 50/50 half soy, half parafin? I guess what evers going to be easiest to start off with. Is "creme" wax something totally different. I guess I am confused as to all the different types of wax and the differences in them..

Oh boy, my head is spinning already and I haven't even gotten started yet!..lol :D


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most all of the soap fo's work in soy candle. you can e-mail the companies and ask just to be sure. millcreek (mcsoywax.com) has a soy candle making kit and all of their oils are tested in soy. also thecandlesoure.com has fantastic oils and inexpensive and they work awesome in pure soy. good luck.

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Seven years ago this Christmas, my husband gave me a beginner's candlemaking kit from www.bittercreek.com (Bitter Creek North) and that was the beginning of a hobby that got out of hand and is now a business. Be careful when you start making candles, as you will find it's addicting.

It would be nice if a local hobby store carried high quality supplies that you'd use, but you're much better off doing your research and ordering online. You'll find jars, wicks (and wick explanations), fragrance oils, dyes - everything you'll need - at Bitter Creek.

Please make sure you test thoroughly before selling your candles, or even giving them away. At this time of year, it's easy to think that you'll be able to make some Christmas presents, but you're likely to need a bit more time to test before you have a safe product. Better to give a gift certificate that can be redeemed when your candles are tested and safe! :)

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Thanks Diana! I had a feeling..lol I already have a business doing custom candy wrappers, candy bouquets and other personalized gifts and that has become very addicting!! My husbands going to kill me..;)

How do I know if I am making them right and that they are safe to give away and or sell?

Is there certain guidelines to go by to know if the wick is burning correctly and you have a correct melt pool (is that what's called..lol) Being a newbie How would I know if it's buring good and has a good scent throw, etc.. I know I sound dumb, but I want to do it right and know what I am doing. I do want to be able to add candles to my existing business...


Sharon :D

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I like the blends for two reasons.....

one is I get the benefit of both soy and paraffin with out all of the problems if I were to use one or the other.

two is that there is a lot of controversy with paraffin so I can honestly say that I am using a soy blend to customers who have already made up their minds about the dangers of paraffin.

Three, I do not have to add any additives and it is a one pour.

Ok that was three, I know but I can actually think of more but I think this gives you the idea.

About how do you know if your candles are safe to sell.......you have to spend a lot of time testing everything you make from the combos of the wicks, wax and fo's to make sure they all work together. I usually test two of the candles I make from each batch just to make sure I get the same if not comparable results. As long as they do the same and are burning evenly with little to no soot, then I am happy.

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Country Creek~

What is your favorite blend and where do you get it from? I would like to do the glass jar containers. What's a good wick to start out with? Can you recommend some?

Thank you much! :D



I use the 50/50 blend from Candle supplies by Farmhouse, the owners name is Sherrie and she is great!!!!


I buy my jars from Walmart, I use the golden harvest mason jars....they are the square ones.

I love the CD wicks, some people call them heinz core. I use the CD 14's in my jars and I have used zinc and the LX's but I always go back to the CD's.

I also use jars from other places....like Michaels and candlesandsupplies.com

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