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Crap show, but at least I had time to take pictures

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The show was a bomb, covered my booth fee but that's about it.

The organizers were awesome though. A highlight was the yummy homemade soups & baked potatoes & baked goods... low point was I had plenty of time to eat :undecided

One thing I really appreciated was that they had a line of guys at the doors waiting to help you carry stuff. I only made one trip to the door and back at the end of the day!

Another low point was that I was in the farthest back corner and surrounded by resellers ie. Tupperware, flea market type tables, those spice people. Maybe I got lost in the shuffle? I don't know....

Anyhow, here's some pics- Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Containers & air fresheners


Linen sprays, candle holders, gift basket


"Sniffing Station"


Seasonal sniffers, tealights far left,


Melts & melters


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Sorry you had such a lousy location at the show. Be sure to tell the promoter you want a different location next year. You might want to try using a top header on your air fresheners. Then the folks could see them. I've found people like to pick the ornies based on shape and color as well as scent. You might try using the same table covering on all your tables. The black really sets off your nice products.

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Sorry you had such a lousy location at the show. Be sure to tell the promoter you want a different location next year. You might want to try using a top header on your air fresheners. Then the folks could see them. I've found people like to pick the ornies based on shape and color as well as scent. You might try using the same table covering on all your tables. The black really sets off your nice products.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll give them a go!

The solid table cover is a dark purple - like a plum.

What I'd really like to do ....eventually(when I start showing some profit :o ) is to find more of the same print fabric and make triangular runners for each of 3 tables.

And thanks everyone for the nice comments. I was kinda disheartened so your :thumbsup: 's really boost my spirits.

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Very nice! I would give the same suggestion about the table covering. The plum set your products off so nicely! They looked like they could have been straight out of a catalog or something. The patterned table covering is too "busy" IMO and distracts my eyes away from your products. Other than that, I think your setup is freaking awesome and I can't believe people weren't stampeding to your booth to shop! :)

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