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riced during the pour...WTF?


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I made a batch using my basic formula and one of my two favorite FOs - nothing I haven't done before. Mixed up the cooled oils and lye, brought to the lightest trace, pulled out some and colored for the swirl, colored the base and added the FO. Picked up the bowl and carried it over to the mold and it started looking like thin APPLESAUCE??? WTF? I poured it into the waiting mold and poured in my swirl anyway cause I didn't know what else to do!

Now it's sitting in a warm oven (turned off) - will it be OK? I don't DO rebatches so it had better!:confused:

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CB.. Did you take temps like on this batch like you more than likely did when you first started? Or discount you water this time and didn't last time?

With the temp thing, I have found that every month or so I check my oils temps as the longer I go without taking them, the hotter I soap each batch. Not on purpose of course..lol But higher temps can lead to ricing in some fo's, and because you soaped so cool you may not have realized you had a finiky fo.

Same thing with water discounts..

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Well, I did discount the water but just a tiny bit - and last time I didn't. I think I used a 30% lye sol'n instead of 28. For temps, strangely enough I DID take them this time, but almost never do. The lye was at 120 and the oils at 110 - maybe warmer than last time since I think I was doing only RT back when I did a lot of this stuff (BE - before emplyoment) - so maybe between thoses two small changes it was enough to throw it off.

GG - I broke down and DID rebatch - world's ugliest color (was burgundy with a green swirl, now it's, em - ugly). I used the crock-pot liner bag in the microwave (Eugenia, you are brilliant!) and it was easy as pie. Because I had been smelling the wonderful FO all afternoon I couldn't bring myself to just throw it away (Peak Mediterranean Fig - TDF).

SO... I'll give it ONE MORE TRY tomorrow if I get a chance, else my family is not getting soap at Christmas (unless I give away my TSW swap soaps.....)

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OK - second batch:

28% lye solution

RT oils and lye

at very light trace pulled out some for the swirl and colored it - stayed at light trace

added color and FO to base and whisked it in - ricing began... just the very light grainy applesauce ricing. this time I SB'd it to death - I mean it took probably 10 minutes of SBing (whirr whirr whirr, pause, stir, whirr whirr....). Finally it went smooth, still at light trace... ???

Poured the base color into the mold. Added in my swirl. Still really light trace - maybe even too light....

I popped it into the warm oven (turned off) and checked it an hour later - still totally liquid. WHAT IS WITH THAT??? I mean it's not setting up at all! So I turned the oven back on to 170 and am leaving it on for an hour or so to see what happens.

This is the last of my Peak Mediterranean Fig FO - and one of the few requests I've actually received for soap.


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How did the second batch go? Good to see that freakin soap fairy has finally left Fort Lauderdale, I was about to start charging that biatch rent!

I really hope this batch turned out for ya CB, but dang that may mean she's over here now, since I have this batch that just will not firm up, it's STILL after almost 2 weeks like cream cheese-ooooh I'm sooo mad!!

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It does seem ok. I had some oil leak out, not lye-just oil, and it puddled a bit on top of the swirls, but most of it soaked back in. I used a kelsei slab mold so no "ends" to try and I didn't cut it but I don't anticipate any lye or oil pockets inside. They're curing on the rack now. I've decided to wait a week before even trying them cause the fairy is indeed still in residence and I don't want to tempt fate! (I made a 1# batch last night to check out a new FO. I weighed to .1 grams but still had ISSUES - the soap seemed fine when I put it to bed but ended up with grains of lye on top and throughout which makes no sense at all to me).

Michi- I only had that happen to me once - with the most beautiful and perfect swirls I ever made and ever will. I tried everything, including sticking it in the oven at a week - NADA! Ended up tossing it - but at least my bedroom smelled good while I waited in vain for it to harden.

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I just had to add that I have found a direct link to my lye temps and ricing. I ONLY use room temp lye... I usually mix the night before so it is cool.

This weekend I mixed a batch of lye in the afternoon and waited for it to cool to room temp and made a batch of soap at least 4 hours later... my FO that I have no problems with normally started ricing at pour.

It seems to happen a lot when I use lye that I mixed the same day. It was a good reminder to me not to change my routine. ;)



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