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Oh No! Metal & Warmers


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I've begun to make wickless candles in 6 ounce tins. My hand from Houston purchased a candle warmer at wal-mart while she was up here and she claims that it has a warning saying not to use with metal! I'm not close to a wal-mart to check it myself and also the county I'm in here in oklahoma is under a blizzard warning. we're expecting 8-12 inches of snow! if anyone has one of these packages please post the warning for me. I know that in the past a question has came up regarding vegetable waxes, but I've not heard the metal thing before.


you guys are lifesavers

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Ok I just read the package and it doesnt say "no Metal". It does say :

The candle warmer is designed to heat jar candles only. Do not use to heat food or drink.

Then a bunch of other stuff about not immerseing in water.

It is Candle Hearth Brand


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They are probably just saying that because of liablility. They don't want to get sued if someone burns their fingers. The tins do get hotter, it seems. However, it's not as if the glass is cool either. I don't THINK there is anything more dangerous about the tins vs. glass. I mean, we're talking about hot, melted wax here! lol

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Thanks! you are all very helpful as always. any time I show them to potential customers I tell them I use tin because it can't break, etc... and that yes, it does get hotter, but they shouldn't be touching it any way.

It also heats up a lot faster then glass. This is my reason for using tins on warmers, plus the breakage factor.


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