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Some vendors are EVIL!!!!


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I hosted a show on last Sunday, 65 vendors, nice hotel location right off of a main highway. I provided breakfast to the vendors (coffee, juice, water, pastries), I also gave each one a little gift on their table. I advertised in our big paper (print and online), 10 smaller local papers (print and online) and about 15 online sites that have calender sections. I also sent invites to past show participants, past attendees, and everyone I know. Signs were posted in local businesses near the show and all participants got flyers/postcards to give to their customers, etc. I also had several radio announcements. I was not able to post signs on the road, after doing it for my last show and having them removed in a day, I found out it was illegal in that county to post signs on public property. But, I did post signs at the entrance to the hotel. I also asked all vendors to be sure to invite theur friends/family/customers. And to post the info at their churches, kids schools, etc.

Traffic was much slower than I'd expected, we probably had about 100 people all day. I had 3 vendors who were absolutely nasty. They all wanted to know why it was so slow, why didn't I post signs on main roads, why this, why that and one even cursed me out. They were all loud and obnoxious...One even started going around asking others if they wanted to leave with her, since I hadn't done my job. I ended up asking all of them to leave.

Do you all blame the promoter if attendance is low?

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I am so sorry they were so rude!

I would blame the promoter if they hadn't promoted. I did a vendor fair once that was at a person's house. It was a small event. She wouldn't advertise because she didn't want strangers in her house! So 5 people showed up!

Another time I did a show and they didn't advertise at all except for a sign on the road. I made the most ( $100) but the res tof the people were really mad.

But it looks like you did all that you could.

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Do you all blame the promoter if attendance is low?

No I do not. Not unless I could see they didn't do much advertising. But you had already done as much as you could here.

Sorry to hear about the low turnout. Guess most people somehow just weren't in a shopping mood that day. You can never tell with these things.

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Sounds like you did a fantastic job advertising.I never complain to the promoter.IN fact a few times I have gone back to the small shows.Not alot of people.They are one day shows and not expensive.Maybe $20.00 so I am OK and know for sure I will make over my booth fee with no problems.

A few others complained to me but I kinda stay out of it.Of course I made more but my products are entirely different.They went to a show with the most beautiful art work that should have been in a gallery. I loved the pics they had but some were over $100.00.Not something for a $20.00 craft show.


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As said before, I get upset if it is not promoted well. Sounds like you did a great job on that end. Bottom line you are always going to have people complain. I know the director of one of the shows I do and she says it is just horrid...people are just so rude and nasty. The last show of hers I did, I did awesome...attendance was great, etc. She said she had several bitch at her because "they did not sell anything because of the way it was set up." She said it is so hard to bite her tongue and say, "Well, no, the reason you did not sell anything is because you have over priced crap." Again, someone is always going to be unhappy. I think you are a brave soul to go this route and more power to you!

I have always said that someone could make a great documentary on craft shows...showcasing the vendors and the different characters/attitudes, etc. I have met some wonderful people at shows but some vendors are just flat out trash. Seriously, a year long documentary following a monthly fair with regular vendors...done well, it could be good. I'd see it.


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I personally stick to shows where I know they've been open at least seven to ten years If I'm interested in a show, I'll attend the year before and then submit an entry, if it's well attended and well promoted.

The only time I get upset at a promoter is when they admit they didn't advertise as promised. That HAS been the case in two small school shows buty I didn't personally complain because I did over $250.00 in sales and the booth fee was $25.00.

There are other resons shows are poorly attended beside lack of advertizement.

* Odd but great weather when not expected~ beautiful warm sunny day this time of year means crowds will be thin because people are busy enjoying that last bit of great weather before bundling up for the winter.

*Shows conflicting dates~ This happens more often than one knows. Two large shows vying for the same buyers on the same weekend. It's also a same because the crafters always have to pick only ONE show and it's generally the best show in attendance with the best crafters.

This happens once a year where I live and one show will be exstict in a year or two because the great crafters,(myself included) always do the one show over the other. Theo organizers of the other show REFUSE to change the weekend that they show so their show will be history shortly.

Poor crafts~ I been to shows where much of the crafts look like total junk! Enough said.


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I have talked to promoters after the show but not so much complaining, more providing constructive criticism.

When I've had problems I'll usually e-mail them after the show and tell them what I experienced & how I feel they could make it better for next year. If someone is being loud & obnoxious to you AT the show, it just looks bad on them & their business!

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I have blamed the promoter if the show is not adequately advertised. I'm afraid that if you can't place outside signs you are always going to have an attendance problem, especially for a new show. I have never cursed out a promoter but have offered advise for improving future shows if given the opportunity. A Sunday only show is tough. My experience has always been Sunday is a slow day. Sounds like you tried to make the experience as comfortable as possible for the vendors. Needless to say, I wouldn't invite any of the trouble makers to your next show.

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I'm afraid that if you can't place outside signs you are always going to have an attendance problem, especially for a new show. I have never cursed out a promoter but have offered advise for improving future shows if given the opportunity.

There was a sign posted at the hotel which can be seen by GOBS of people, they have to pass by it to get to the mall which is across the street. I think part of the issue was that the Redskins happened to be playing that day, although it wasn't a home game, we have diehard Skins fans in this area (men and women) who won't step away from the tv when they're on. But oh well, I did what I could. This was the 2nd year for the show, and attendance was definitely better than the 1st year, but I also made more the first year. Next year should be better, much nicer place, a nicer/better area, radio & tv advertising AND I can put signs out. So, I'm sure we'll get tons of people.

Thanks for all your feedback!! :D

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