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Newbie, With Dumb Questions


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:o Ok... here we go... I haven't actually started making soap OR candles yet but I am going to attempt it for Christmas gifts...

I am gonna attempt the melt and pour in both departments.. I pretty well have everything figured out but one thing... DYES!!! What dyes are ok for both? I think liquid would be easier, but the melt ones are cheaper.... HELP!!!!!!!!!:o:confused:

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AS far as i know, u cant use colorants for soap and candles. Candle dyes arent formulated for use with personal products and most b&b dyes are water based so thats a no no for candles. If u are just making them for gifts, why not just get some food coloring for your melt and pour and a few dye chips for your candles. Rather cost effective.

Hope that helped


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First, welcome. You will find a wealth of information on these forums.

Second, good luck, and have fun.

Now on to the questions at hand. No, there really aren't any dyes that are formulated for both candles and b&b products. Like car said, most candle dyes are oil based and not regulated by fda standards, haven't been tested in b&b products and do not have a sufficient ingredient list for b&b products. I don't do a whole lot of m&p soaps so I can't really help you on that front, but be careful giving candles away if you have just started making them. For most of us candle makers it can take months of testing to get a safe, clean, perfect burning candle. I wont lecture you on that, just want to make sure you are giving away a safe product. You wouldn't want your friends and family to burn their houses down. :)

Anyway, as I said before.. Welcome, good luck and have fun. :)

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I am doing mp soap and tarts too! I bought some soap dye from Michaels.

But the colors are very limited. I have some reding dye but I have not tried it in MP soap yet. I am also making aroma beads and ornies and will try the dipping bears soon.

As far as candles go, very difficult to test and test...I am waitng and maybe next Holiday Season I will have it figured out, and CP/HP too by then!

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I would definitely give the melt and pour soap a go. It is fun, easy and the soaps set up fast. You can get a kit at nearly any craft store now. I see them all the time. Who knows, maybe you're onto a new addiction here. If your interest stays beyond the Holidays you will have more time to tackle candles. As others said, they are more time-consuming (and hazardous since you are dealing with flames).

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