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I'm using Eco 6's in my 2.5 to 2.75 inch containers, using C-3 wax, and it works very well. Doesn't leave anything on the sides, excellent scent throw. Does take a while to get a full width melt pool tho. The 8's might be a tad big for a 2.5 inch container, but on the other hand, they might work just fine. The only additive I use in mine is UV protector.

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I use Eco-8 in most of my 8 oz jj using C-3 , sometimes the first few burns don't get everything on the sides but it does catch up. I tried using the eco-10 but then half way down it gets too deep so I am happy using the eco-8 and letting the sides catch up after one or two burns. There are a few FO's that I have to wick up one or wick down one but the majority I stick with the 8's.

Sandy~WI :smiley2:

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Hi, I got a kit from BCN with ez soy, eco 8's and the 8 oz jjars.

I never got a full melt pool...I tested about 5 candles too...

I did a search on CandleTech and ordered from C&S, I am waiting on the Cwicks and a scale...

My search on CT found that I need to wick up to either:

eco 10 or 12


cd 14 or 16 for an 8 oz jjar depending on the weight of the fo...

I decided to try CD wicks based on my search results and the price of a sampler pack from C&S, but there shipping is pretty high, IMO...

Candle Science or BCN is also good for wicks, or the classies here too!


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Seems like mixed responses. Hmm... I can't try the Eco 8's out until tonight so I was hoping these would work so I wouldn't have to order the 10's. I knew I should have just gotten both at the same time. I'm too stingy, I read at candlecauldron.com that the 8's would work just fine in the 8oz JJ.

I'm so anxious to try out the 8's now. I guess I'll just order the 10's then I will have both on hand. Or I could stop using the BW since that seems to force me to wick up.

It's such a struggle to be a work all day when all I can think about is candles. Too bad I can't burn them at work then I could test and work at the same time. :)

Thanks for the responses, I wish they would have been more like "Yeah the Eco 8's should work great in the EZ Soy!!!!". If only it were that 'EZ' right?


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Think I'm going to need Eco 10s. I had very minor hang up and I think after a few more test burns it'll catch up because my jars are tapered but, I think the 10s will work better.

I'm going to make one without the BW and try the 8's again to see if that makes a difference.

The gal at BCN recommended CD12's but I think I'll stick with the HTPs and Eco for now!

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