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I do candles, but want to learn soaps??


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Antibacterial is a tough one, because you cannot make the claim (and even the product itself is iffy). All I can think of is that some EOs, like Neem (ugh, god-awful smell) have some anti-bac properties but like I said, you cannot claim it on the label or in signage.

But welcome to the soaping addiction, er - club....

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I agree with starting with M & P. That is how I started. Then Grumpy, Purple Lilac, Quietgirl, Funky and many others were the bad enablers on turning me into CP. Dang it! LOL It sure is addicting. I only make candles now when I get an order. Don't even want to try anything new. All I want to do is SOAP!

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Never done m&p.....not sure that's a good way to start because they are sooo different. Isn't it like comparing a prepared meal that you just heat and eat to one that you've actually cooked yourself? :cool2:

I would just skip the m&p and get down and dirty with the lye*getdown*

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I'm afraid they are all addictive (and make you poor)! I started with MP and really enjoyed it. It had its challenges and made attractive soap. Its a good place to start and you gain a lot of equiment/oils etc to make the transition to CP if you want. I had only MP'd for about two months when I started OHP and love that too. Then yesterday and started making whipped shea, which is really easy and requires little equipment. Gosh...obviously I have this 'bug' really bad.. Welcome to the club!

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MP, CP & HP are all very challenging each in its own way -

M&P very challenging?..whouda thunk it!:undecided

LOL @ comparing MP soap to a heat and serve meal or whatever you were comparing it too heheh. I can see why people might think that, but until you have really tried to make a kick ass bar of MP soap, I don't think you can really understand. I'll tell you this, in the end, you can have an even better bar of soap with MP over CP, HP or any other if you set your mind to it, and the same satisfaction as well from testing and trying new ingredients and additives as you work towards that nirvana bar! :D And then, you get another idea, and you have to try it, and you start all over again with different ingredients, and different additives, and well.. you get the picture. I still make both CP and MP soap. For those who don't want to mess with lye, or don't want to worry about the soap calculator, MP is the way to go. I am making fewer and fewer bars of CP, because my customers keep coming back for the MP. But, I am an additive addict, and have come up with some bars of MP soap that kick my CP soap's proverbial ass all the way to the trash! In the end, it's whatever works for you!

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:confused:And I'm kinda thinking that whatever recipe you used for cp/hp wasn't working for you and everybody has something that comes naturally to them and they do it very well...M&P might just be that thing for you. LOL and yes it is heat and serve and just (additives) add butter, salt and pepper for something as close as you can get to cp soap..he he he


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I agree Annie, you can get creative with M&P, some people may think M&P is amaturish, and maybe only "heat and serve", but you can make some awesome soap with M&P.

Annie is the Queen of M&P creativity.

And furthermore not all people like to deal with lye.

I have to agree that M&P is some of the most beautiful soap I've ever seen and one can get really creative with it! but I think some of these cp artisans are giving it a lot of competition with all the food type soap..gosh it's so realistic!

And I understand not wanting to deal with lye. Most of us were afraid in the beginning.

The question was where to start with soap making and it was suggested that m&p was a good place to start and I disagreed because well one of the reasons being that you have to work with lye. Also, if you wanted to teach someone to cook, would you tell them to pop a microwave dinner in the oven and season it to taste? and that's all there is to cooking?...of course not and that is why I said that making soap and doctoring someone else's soap are two entirely different things. I didn't mean to offend anyone who does M&P.

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I agree that they are just completely different. Start with what what type of finished product appeals to you the most.

I will say that I find the M&P I've done to be drying (but have not done much with it so if someone knows how to fix that LET ME KNOW!!!) so I do CP because I can customize the finished product in a way that gets me what I need. My first batch was HP though - but it wasn't as pretty as I wanted to I switched immediately. NOt to say that HP cannot be made beautifully, but I didn't have time to work that out cause I'm waaaay too impatient.

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