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Bath Bomb Cupcakes, How To make the frosting.

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Depending on the size of you cupcakes, if you whipped up any butter and frosted the bomb, it might be too much butter, too greasy in the water. Maybe a mixture of mp and some cocoa butter, whipped.

Are these made commercially? If so, get your hands on one, it may say on the packaging. You may be able to kinda figure it out just by feel. Is it soft, hard, dry and flaky, oily etc.

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Thanks for the link:) I have been reading Nizzy's site for months, just have not gotten the guts, lol.

I actually saw a bath cupcake online the other day and it said their frosting was icing sugar. I am off to the grocers to get some and see if that stuff melts in warm water. Maybe whipping a little SLSA into it....

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Thanks for the link:) I have been reading Nizzy's site for months, just have not gotten the guts, lol.

I actually saw a bath cupcake online the other day and it said their frosting was icing sugar. I am off to the grocers to get some and see if that stuff melts in warm water. Maybe whipping a little SLSA into it....

but isn't sugar not good for your girl goodies???? I am sure its would be WAAAYYYY deluted but I thought sugar wasn't good for ya:undecided

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You can make a frosting with SLSA and it will be nice and hard and bubble when put unter the faucet. SLSA acts just like powdered sugar.

You can make a mixture of a hard butter, like cocoa butter and tro with slsa and corn starch with a little cream of tartar (helps bubbles stay longer in the tub)...whip it all together and pipe out. Note** shea butter won't harden enough.

I Hope this helps. I don't have an actual recipe, so you will need to experiment.


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whats tro????

You can make a frosting with SLSA and it will be nice and hard and bubble when put unter the faucet. SLSA acts just like powdered sugar.

You can make a mixture of a hard butter, like cocoa butter and tro with slsa and corn starch with a little cream of tartar (helps bubbles stay longer in the tub)...whip it all together and pipe out. Note** shea butter won't harden enough.

I Hope this helps. I don't have an actual recipe, so you will need to experiment.


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You can make a frosting with SLSA and it will be nice and hard and bubble when put unter the faucet. SLSA acts just like powdered sugar.

You can make a mixture of a hard butter, like cocoa butter and tro with slsa and corn starch with a little cream of tartar (helps bubbles stay longer in the tub)...whip it all together and pipe out. Note** shea butter won't harden enough.

I Hope this helps. I don't have an actual recipe, so you will need to experiment.


:D:D Thank you so much for the help! You should see my kitchen! I made soem whipped soap, then the cocoa butter. Will have to try my hand at the SLSA paste tomorrow!

I thought sugar was bad for your girly parts too, so thats why I was kind of grossed out for a moment.

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I thought sugar was too as far as sitting in it, in the shower you rinse it off when in your scrubs and soaps?! I think I'd turn to a professional in the medical field for that one. You don't want to cause infections of any kind especially if your selling them.

Personally I'd stick to the whipped soap, did you see Gumpy Girl's in the gallery? It looks just like the real thing and you can market it as two products in one- a soap and bomb :wink2:!

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I have been banging my head with this one as well, tried 1000 different ideas. I wanted to do bath melts with the icing, first made the melt recipe and made the tiny cupcakes out of it, then made another batch of the melt recipe for the icing but could not get it to pipe out, I tried making a butter mixture and piping on,, it did work to some extent but not exactly what I was looking for. There was a link to a site in a thread that had the melts and looked like they made a merinque (sp?) icing. Please keep throwing ideas out there.

BTW: can you whip M&P soap?

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yes you can whip m&p i make cupcakes this way. Its just not the same for bathbomb ideas.

I have been banging my head with this one as well, tried 1000 different ideas. I wanted to do bath melts with the icing, first made the melt recipe and made the tiny cupcakes out of it, then made another batch of the melt recipe for the icing but could not get it to pipe out, I tried making a butter mixture and piping on,, it did work to some extent but not exactly what I was looking for. There was a link to a site in a thread that had the melts and looked like they made a merinque (sp?) icing. Please keep throwing ideas out there.

BTW: can you whip M&P soap?

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I use a hand electric mixture as you have to move very fast and I dont think the kitchaide lets you do that. You have to watch it cuz it hardens FAST. melt in a glass container and ( once it gets a really light film on top) then whip once you start to see it set you have about 30 sec. to transfer to your cupcake. It may take practice but the results are cute.( more like a meringue) You can also pipe in a pastry bag but its a huge pita..again when it cool enough to touch you can pipe it but hardens fast.

so you just melt M & P and whip it up in my kitchen aide?
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I just looked on the website that is posted above and their ingredients at the end say cocoa powder, sugar, meringue powder, potassium sorbate. I betcha that is what they used for the frosting. I would think it would make you sticky, do not know much about what you can use in bath and body products.

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