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Coffee FO?


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I think I am done testing coffee FOs. I have one from KY and then I bought a sample from Peaks. The one from KY smelled burnt. It did not turn out well at all. The one from Peaks smelled like skunk! I am not kidding and I have proof! lol I took my brother up some melts. I had taken the coffee ones I made using the Peaks FO. My brother and dad agreed they smelled like skunk. Well, we were at a park, inside, while we were smelling all the different melts. My dad had taken off somewhere with my boyfriend and had the coffee ones with him. They came back laughing their butts off. They said a lady walked by and said, "It smells like skunk in here!". My boyfriend said he about choked when she said it. Apparently my coffee melts really do smell as that was somebody I don't even know and she didn't know my dad was carrying them! Anyways, I'm using PureSoy. Do you think it could be the wax, or should I give up the coffee FOs all together?


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I know a lot of people on this board have not problems with the coffees. I love the smell of coffee and to me none of them smelled like good ole columbian coffee. So I gave in and tried the flavored coffees. Those are pretty good. Especially from Millcreek, Just Scents, BCN. Thosehave all been tested in Soy.

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Hi Stephanie!

I had the exact same "fragrance" with Fresh Brewed Coffee from Peaks when I first poured it in votives and tarts! My whole shop smelled like a skunk had been in there (and I live in the country so was a wonderin' there...)!! It was really, really strong - made me sick! After a couple of weeks it kind of mellowed out on the cold throw, but I haven't been able to bring myself to burn it again yet! :D

So it's not just you or your wax - I put it in IGI 4794 paraffin!


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Thanks for the replies. I don't know that I could ever burn it after smelling the skunk smell! lol I may try the flavored ones though and see how they are. They would have to be much better! lol Thanks a bunch! :)


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I did try adding less FO with the one but I think I just got a bad batch. There is a definite burnt smell there. As far as the other one, it really didn't seem strong like some of my other FOs and it smelled fine after I poured it into the clamshells. It was about 2 days after that it stunk. I may try that coffee bean Carol, but for now, my nose does not even want to smell my morning coffee after those 2 FOs! lol


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I did try adding less FO with the one but I think I just got a bad batch. There is a definite burnt smell there. As far as the other one, it really didn't seem strong like some of my other FOs and it smelled fine after I poured it into the clamshells. It was about 2 days after that it stunk. I may try that coffee bean Carol, but for now, my nose does not even want to smell my morning coffee after those 2 FOs! lol


The best coffee scent IMO is JS Caramel Cinnamon Latte----wow, this is perfect. Very strong. Her Toffee Machiato is also really good, not very strong on the coffee, and the caramel is nice.

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I have bunches to try! lol First, I've got an order to fill, then I've got to make votives for my brother and his fiance. The votives are gonna be the wedding favors! After that, I'll move on the flavored coffee FOs! Thanks for all the suggestions!


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I have bunches to try! lol First, I've got an order to fill, then I've got to make votives for my brother and his fiance. The votives are gonna be the wedding favors! After that, I'll move on the flavored coffee FOs! Thanks for all the suggestions!


Well good luck. I have several but not a good black cup. Vanilla hazelnut from WSP is good, Vickeys coffee does smell burnt but I always add just a touch to make the others a little stronger.

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I like Fresh Brewed Coffee from BCN. Myself and several others think it smells just like real coffee. I use it in tarts, but in a paraffin blend, not soy wax. I've only had one person who disagreed, but I go with the majority. You can't please everyone, noses are so different.

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I just thought I'd add an update on Peak's Fresh Brewed Coffee (aka skunk). ;) I let the votives sit for a couple of weeks, closed up in a cardboard box. I'm burning one right now, and it actually smells pretty good - very much like fresh brewed coffee (black, single shot, no flavoring). :) Even still, I don't know if I'd want to go through the pouring process with this FO again.


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