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Figuring wasted wax into costs?


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I'm in the process of trying to determine my wholesale and retail costs although I won't be selling until all my testing is thorough and my ducks are in a row... (I know my costs will change depending on my wholesalers prices). Just wondering if anyone figures wasted wax into their costs? When I first started testing several months ago I sure wasted a lot of wax and have gotten better but facing the fact that candle making leaves a lot of leftovers!

Does anyone figure a % into their pricing formula to account for this?

Also wondering how you figure in shipping costs when you order from different suppliers? Can that be written off as a business expense or averaged out over the year?


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wax is never wasted. Make fire lighters with your scrap wax, or make "candle shop" candles (pour all your leftovers into moulds over time until you get a whole stripy candle that has all different fragrances)

pour scented wax into sample cups so if a customer wants to smell the fragrance before they buy, send them a cup containing that fragrance if you have it spare.

Just a few ideas.

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Nope, no wasted wax here either. When I pour candles, I also setup clamshells to pour at the same time. After the candles are poured, the scent wax goes back on the stove, Votive wax is added and when fully melted and mixed in, the clamshells in that scent are poured.

While waiting for the clamshell mix to come together on one scent, I pour the candles in the next scent. Left over wax returns and votive wax is added to that as well. But the first pot is ready so I pour those and by the time I'm done, the second pot is ready.

Save time, wax, scent and pour TWO products and two scents at the same time!

I just finished the pours of Peaks Downy Fresh and Sage/Lemongrass~ My whole cabin smells awesome right now!!:grin2:


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I don't understand the wasted wax bit. I calculate what I need for each batch I want to make (regardless if it's only 1 to test a fo or many to fill an order) and I don't have any waste. The only *waste* I have is in making testers and I decide I don't like the fo but I write that off as R&D.


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Thanks everyone for all the suggestions. Now that I've got my calculating figured out most of my wasted wax comes from test candles I've poured that either don't throw, yucky fragrance or I messed up the color. I'll try remelting and making firestarters with them although I'm not sure the Arizona desert is the best market for them...LOL...thanks again for all the tips and advice, I appreciate it!

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