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Was wondering if you all thought it would be alright tonite to give out an order form along with the candy to the kiddos tonite. I know that we will get alot of kids here tonite, and was just contemplating on whether or not to give out order forms, brochures etc. to them. :smiley2:

Wanted to see what everyone else thought about it. One thing tho is I will not have to print out extras for awhile. Unless I give them out tonite that is.

Will keep them handy at the door.

thanks in advance


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I don't know...that seems a bit tacky to me. If my kid came home with a brochure I'd glance at it and then toss it in the trash. I'd also be a little annoyed that someone was using my kid to try and push their business while they are suppose to be out having fun. I think I'd try to find another way to get your brochures out there. jmo

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I would say no.

Not only tacky, but Those kids will probably take the brochures and throw them out before they even get off your doorstep.

The kids don't want brochures, they want candy.

I wouldn't want advertisements thrown in my kids treat bags.

Seems overly pushy...JMO

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In my old neighborhood, there was a lady that had her own daycare. Every year she would make treat bags up, and tape her card to the bag. She also dressed up like a clown and handed them out to all of the trick or treaters.

There was an Avon rep to and what she used to do is , give the kids their candy but then give the adults samples of Avon in their own treat bag.

Maybe you could do something like that.

Mindy :)

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