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Whoops~Newbie Needs Help Centering Wick


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Hi All ~

I thought I ordered all the supplies I would need to start my candle making hobby. Then I discovered that I should have ordered the Wick Centering Tool for my 16 oz mason jars. Whoops!

I am going to pay through the nose in shipping for them now.

Do you suggest I bite the bullet on shipping and order them anyway, or is there another way to get the wick centered? I did do a test candle two weeks ago, and getting the wick to stay centered was one of the more challenging parts of the process.


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I use a popsicle stick with a hole drilled in it and a tiny cloths pin to center mine...You can get both of those at wal mart and I have a dremel tool to do the drilling but I am sure any drill would work with a small bit.

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i bought an extra pack of the circle inserts and drilled a small hole in the center. after pouring i put the wick thru the hole placing the insert on the jar... then i screw the ring on to keep that centered and attach a clothespin to the wick to keep it taught...

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I also use the popsicle stick, but I glued it to the outer threaded ring. That lets me get everything set and still leaves an opening to pour the wax through. You can also use binder clips (in the office supplies section) instead of a clothes pin.


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I don't use the wick centering tool because I hot glue my wick. What I did was take a piece of tan colored heavy weight printer paper and drew the bottom of all my jars on it, then measured and marked the center, if I am using 2 wicks marked where they should go. I also use the clothes pin to keep my wick tight.:)

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Thanks everyone!! I think I "get it" now. I'll hot glue gun the wick into the base, then pour, then hold it taut with a clothes pin, chip clip, or popsicle stick.

Thanks for the tips. Saved me from spending $$$ on shipping the WCT. Wish me luck!

Happy Halloween to all... :grin2:

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Thanks so much everyone for the advice. I am getting ready to do my test candles tomorrow evening and must admit I am getting cold feet. I ordered some great supplies from BCN and I don't want to mess it up!

You all have been great. Thanks again...

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Well, I have made three test candles in the past couple days. Regarding the wick centering, still having difficulty. :(

I hot glue gunned the wick tab to the base of the mason jar, poured the wax, then topped the candle with it's lid. (I drilled a hole through the center of the lid and threaded the wick through). I kept the wick taught with a chip clip.

At first glance the wicks look centered, but they are not. They are off centered enough so that I am not getting a proper meltpool. It's melting off center.

I don't know how I can be more exacting to get the wick centered. Is this a skill I just have to keep working at, is there another trick to help center the wick, or is this the nature of handcrafted candles?

I greatly appreciate any and all comments! ;)


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