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I am so sorry PDevine, I dont know what happened when I went to paste the link. It did the entire gallery instead of the page that the crumble picture is on!! Here is the correct link, but you are more than welcome to look at the other pictures too! LOL

http://www.ofci.biz/gallery/main.php?g2_page=5 picture number 200 & 201.


Thanks so much Ladysj!! I appreciate it!!

God Bless,


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I just take an old fork and drag the tips of the tines in wax that I've scented, colored, and poured onto an old jelly roll pan. Makes small, fine shreds that you can crumble up. I use it to top bakery candles in 4 oz. tins, for example. I'll see if I can find a pic.

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Lady, PDevine and anyone else.........LOL

When I make MY crumble I take a stainless steel bowl, that I sit in a larger bowl of ice cubes! I then pour my wax little by little into the SS bowl. When I see that it is starting to set up along the sides of the bowl, I just run my spoon around it and scrape all the areas that have started to set up! I don't have to touch anything and it goes rather quickly for me! I then put those "crumbs" into another bowl so they can start setting up more and harden all the way. If the chunks are too large, I break them up with my spoon gently while they are still slightly warm! I just keep doing this till I get all that I need! I am able to melt the wax only pour what I need into a glass measuring cup, scent and color and only have to do little bits at a time without wasting! It works like a charm every time for me!


God Bless,


Edited because I dont know how to spell! LOL

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