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Just curious about tart packaging

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I have been making tarts for a while now and seem to have pretty good luck with selling them individually. I was just wondering how everyone else sells theirs. Do you package them individually, 3 pks., 6 pks. or 12 pks.? The ones I am trying out now (I've not tried selling this size yet) are the 1/2 oz. ones made in the fluted molds and I would really like to find me some one oz. fluted molds to do also. I have been selling mine in the little foil candy cups that I get from KY that are one oz. each but would love to find this same size in the fluted molds. Another thing I was curious about is the size that most make. Either 1/2 oz. or 1 oz. I am just trying to decide whether to make any changes or not to mine so any input on this would be great! TIA!

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I wrap my one ounce tarts individually. I got the molds from WSP a couple of years ago. The reason I wrap individually is because I also do the three ounce clamshells. I am kind of low-key, so when I pour tarts/clamshells, I pour like 2-3 clamshells and 4-5 tarts. By packaging individually, people tend to purchase more of a variety of scents. Then they will purchase the larger clam when they decide on the ones they really like. I think I missed the clamshell co-op. I would have really liked to have gotten in on that. Maybe next time. Good luck.;)

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I have a booth at a craft mall and I tend to sell the individual ones pretty well. I've not ventured into selling in packages yet so was just wondering about them in comparison to individual ones. I am going to try the packs and see how they do over there now that it is getting so close to the holidays but it may be that I stick to singles once we get passed Dec. I am just wanting to hear others opinions on it so thanks Judy! Appreciate the input from you! Hoping others will chime in also!

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I sell my shrink wrapped 1 oz tarts for $1 each or buy 10 get two free. People in my neck of the woods seem to like variety, but they won't buy any bakery scents, except for the very rare few, so I stopped making bakery scents all together. It's ok, because I don't care for them any way...except for a couple. If I packaged them in multiples of one scent, I'd probably have a hard time selling them because now they don't seem so cheap any more. People just don't seem to mind buying things that only cost a buck, so that's why they sell so well for me. It also helps to stock a nice variety of scents as well. I always try to keep the most popular dupes from Victoria's Secret, Bath and Body Works and Yankee Candle...along with the occassional designer scents to keep the young folks interested.

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I really appreciate the replies to this. I know what those of you are saying on the clamshells. I really have absolutely no luck with those at all. They don't sell for me. I have a stock of tarts that I have made now and will put in my booth at the craft mall. I sell them fairly cheap....or I think that I do for this area anyway. I am doing the half ounce for .50 each and the one ounce for .80. So far I have had great success with selling for .80 on the one ounce so will see how the half ounce go over. I have those pkg'd. in singles but did make up a few 3 pks. of the same scent of the half ounce just to see what happens with them. I had the same thoughts as some of you with the variety and being able to buy more than one scent at a time to try out rather than having a bunch of something that you may not like the smell of. I will let you know how the 3 pks. go over, if they do! I just think I will give it a shot and see for now with the holidays coming up so soon. Who knows? Maybe someone will need a small inexpensive gift and my tarts may just fit their needs!

Again, thanks for the replies on this! I thought I was on the right track by selling individuals but just wanted to see what some others were doing with their tarts also.


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I used to sell them individually. I used the fluted molds that BCN sells.

A few months back I switched to the 6pk clamshells.

I found the individual tarts (for lack of a better word) just too time intensive to package. So -- I started using the 6-pk clamshells. I love them, and so do my customers. I pour my base fragrance offerings in the 6-pks and also pour an assorted mix of my base fragrances. The assorted mix has become my #1 seller.

BTW my 6-pk sells for $5.50.

Time is money, so I'll continue to do the clamshells because of their ease in producing and their long shelf life (unlike the individuals that tend to need repacking after a while).

Edited to add: When I did the individual tarts I sold them for $1.50 each

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I've done both and found that packages of 2 sell better than 3, 6, or 12, at least in my area. I shrinkwrapped the 2 together to give you an idea.

I'm testing clamshells this weekend though and hope they go, because I love the semi non-existant packaging dilemma with them. Just stick a label on and you're good to go!


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At markets and shows, I display individual paraffin tarts in jars. No packaging; customers just read the scent name on the label and choose which ones they want and I bag them up. For my website customers, I sell in quantities of 4. These are packaged in a drawstring bag with a label on front.

For soy wax tarts, I use the 6-cavity clamshells and label those. hth

True, no scent names on the ones that they pick out themselves from the jars. But I have found that customers seldom remember scent names even on products that ARE labeled. I get customers all the time asking things such as, "What was that candle I really loved? I remember it was brown." Ummmmm....big help, lady, I carry 1,000 brown candles. LOL

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