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Gershel cardboard risers


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For those that use these....I am looking at the 4 step one...how many candles do you normally get on these. I saw some different ones on ebay that guarantee how much weight theirs hold...when I called gershel they did not know how much it would hold...so that brings me here.

Anyone care to share before I waste some money?

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I have the 2/3 step ones.. I use it as a 3 step & it holds my 16oz apothecary candles on all 3 steps! (probably 6 to a step?) They're strong. They have started to bow though, after about a year of use. Once I can find someone to make me wood risers that fold i'll be retiring them.

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I have the 4-step. They hold a lot of candles! I use em for my 10, 16, and 26 oz apothecary jar candles. They hold at least 5 jars on each tier. My jars are 4 inches across so thats a lot. I don't use the top tier because I am afraid of jars falling off.

I put at least two risers together to make one long display. By putting jars on the risers and in front I can make a display of about 40+ candles.

They are pretty sturdy. I have used them several times-- I take em apart every time I am finished using them and put em back in their original box to save packing room in my car.

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Good post.Got mine just over a week ago.Still sitting on my porch since I got busy with my husband's illness and accident.So now I know what to expect because I haven't opened the box yet.I do have a wood riser and it is fine but wanted to get more this year and this was the cheapst route and heard good things about them.Can't wait to try them.

I did get in my juried show for this week-end.My wood riser is now holding my products for my juried pic I took yesterday.All I did was take the pic to the organizer with money.She looked at it and told me to choose a space.Then got the pic back in case I wanted to use it again.The next juried is a Christmas show so will do another pic.

Seems Like I got something else from Gershel so cannot wait to open my box.Might be a big surprise and the show is a few days away.I hope my other surprise is GOOD WEATHER.Been rainy and damp.Don't need cardboard risers on rainy days for sure.My risers are 2 and 3 step.I bet those 4 step do hold alot.


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When I use my 3 step wood riser it seems high enough.People bumping into tables etc worries me to get much higher.Would take up less room but I am leery.On top I think I will have decoration and maybe a few candles but last show I got quite a bit on the 3 step.Also I use the nicest bookcases I got at Wal Mart 3 years ago.Customers ask me where I got them and crafters say they are nice too.

So with my 2 bookcases, 1 wood riser and 3 cardboard risers I should have plenty of candles.Well after I start making more today and tomorrow.Got my scents picked out and testing a jar today.A pumpkin jar I got at Big Lots.Everyone loves those with the hats and the small ones I did last year.The new one is a much bigger and wider pumpkin jar with what looks like or is cut glass pieces.


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