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uv color inhibator

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I have never noticed it affect the burn. However, I suppose it may depend on what wax you are using. I use paraffin 139 MP and can't speak for soy or container waxes. Probably best to test at least one candle to see what the results are for your wax. HTH


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What colors do you use this for the most? Reds seem to fade more, purple to. I think reds are the worst!

I use UV inhibitor in all of my candles. Some products apparently work better for some colours than others. I think that all products are of some benefit regarless of colour. I also find that the FO you use can affect how well the colour holds up.


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What colors do you use this for the most? Reds seem to fade more, purple to. I think reds are the worst!

It's not the color that's the problem it's the FO. The FO's I have found that fade the worst is straight Vanilla or anything with Vanilla in it, Blueberry & Mulberry. There are others but so far these are the ones I have problems with.

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It's not the color that's the problem it's the FO. The FO's I have found that fade the worst is straight Vanilla or anything with Vanilla in it, Blueberry & Mulberry. There are others but so far these are the ones I have problems with.

How might one remedy this? By adding more dye than one normally would, seeing as how it will eventually fade anyway? Thanx.

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How might one remedy this? By adding more dye than one normally would, seeing as how it will eventually fade anyway? Thanks.

I guess I did not make myself clear. These scents tend to fade worse than others thus requiring UV inhibitor, to keep them from fading or at least slow down the fading process.

Direct sunlight is the worst about fading candles next to that is florescent lights.

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