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Christmas gifts for wholesale accounts??


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Anyone out there give little gifts at christmas time to the owners of shops that they have wholesale accounts with? Not sure what the protocol is with this...... We are a newer company, but have gotten 30+ wholesale accounts since we started our wholesale marketing blitz:rolleyes2 in March.

What do you do? Cards? Small something (not candle related)? One of your products? Or nothing?

I was maybe even thinking of one of the new products we will be bring into our line in spring...... get 'em interested.....lol!

Shout out wholesalers!!

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Yes I always do, usually I give them some samples of new products, a candle or lotion in their favorite scent, and then last year I gave scarves, put it all in a nice bag with some lindt chocolates, oh and I always include a bar of a manly scented soap for their hubbys. All my wholesalers are women.

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We used to get cookies from one of our suppliers. I always loved it. sigh, now they have gotton too big to do that.

I would really love to hear what everyone else has to say about what they are giving their wholesale clients for Christmas.

Hey not to offend anyone but one think to think about is not everyone celebrates Christmas. We actually get a card at Thanksgiving from one of the companies that we deal with. And it says Happy Holidays. Just somehting to think about.

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I get what you are saying Lorrie. But I did mean it more as a Happy Holidays/Seasons greetings type of thing. I already have cards picked out to that affect.

Great ideas all......keep them coming!

I least I'm "getting" from a few of you that you do at least do something and not just a card.... and I am assuming it is tax deductable as long as you don't go over your $25 gift allowence per client. I will run it by my accountant!!

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Perhaps a certificate- this way they can choose what they want so you know they will be more likely to like it. It should probably have a date by which it should be redeemed, or people just won't get a fire under them and they will never redeem sometimes. You can always honor it anyway if it goes past the date and they are still interested and they ask if they can still use it. You will look like a big ol sweetheart for being so accomodating, lol. Or you could word it as being 'good for (whatever) off your next order' Add wording that they have worked so hard, kept thier business successful, etc... that they should get something for THEMSELVES for once because they deserve it. It makes it very personal I think.

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