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i cant stand my insurance company


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ok i finally got the nerve to start selling things, i make mostly b&b products. so i called my insurance company for a quote on my homeowners policy for product liability. well after 2 days my stupid agent got back to me only to tell me that they cant cover me that it is to much of a risk with b&b products like if someone would get a rash. i said ok well what do i do i need insurance so she said i have to talk to the agent that deals with commerical insurance policys, so now i start freaking out cause when i hear commercial i think of a huge company and store fronts. well i dont have either of those so i am so scared to even talk to him tommorrow so any help you guys have for me would be great bcause i dont even know what to say to him.

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Please don't let the lingo scare ya. Commercial just means "business". If you're selling products you're a business, right?

And don't worry about having to sound all official or corporate with the agent. You can tell them what you need just the same way you told your homeowner's agent. Hope you get the coverage and at a great price! :)

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Ditto, don't fret. And you might check with an independent insurance agent (assuming yours is from a particular company). Ask if they write commercial policies. They will ask lots of questions about your business - sales, products, etc. Ask the difference between product liability insurance and a general commercial policy. Big difference in price. hth

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A friend of mine who has an insurance company in NYC suggested The Hartford Company to me. They deal with a lot of smaller businesses in their p&c division and can provide insurance relatively inexpensive as compared to others. You can google them and find an agent near you. HTH

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yes that is what i thought it was saying but after reading it again i guess you are right so do you think i should up the coverage to 1,000,000 or is the 500,000 fine you think . i called my isurance agent today he said he will get back to me next week with a commercial policy quote so ill see how that goes but if it dosent i guess ill be getting one of these you guys gave me the link to.thanks again for everybodys help.:D

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I have mine through Benchmark and just got the $500,000 for my first year because I don't have that much product yet. They were very fast in responding.


How much product you have should have nothing to do with the limit you pick - unless your saving a ton of money with the lower limit - I always suggest the $1,000,000/$2,000,000

almost every company I know of will let you make monthly payments...

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