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Just need to vent...drowning in "stuff"..long


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Hi Folks!

I haven't posted in a while and I miss everyone here. Basically, I'm fed up, and I just need to vent.

In addition to a full time job, I have a micro-business that I have operated in the black for the last two years. I have a niche market that I sell to, and I usually attend one event per month, which keeps a little cashflow going. In between, I sell my products (perfumes, incense, burning oils, and tub truffles) on Ebay to keep myself solvent and also to keep my product turning over. My goal has always been to get a website going, but I've been lazy.

Well, the last five months have been dreadful. We lost two employees at my full time job, and they were not replaced, so we're all doing extra work (I work in the training department of a large government agency.) Ebay decided to raise store fees sharply, which took my profits down considerably, to the point where it's not practical to sell there. And several of my local events fell on days that I had to work, so all in all I've only done one show since June. I keep expanding to include more products, more types of merchandise, but I have to face the fact that I am drowning in product/supplies/labels/etc. that isn't being sold because of a lack of time and venues. And it's making me crazy.

My core business was perfume oils and incense but I started fooling around with lotion. Got that going and then I added bath oils and bath truffles. Then I started wanting to offer solid perfumes and shea butter. At that point the volume of supplies and mess was bad but not impossible. I think the problem was really compounded in spring when I decided to start making candles. Started buying supplies left and right and spending weekends pouring and testing. I think this was the straw that broke the camel's back. My main business got neglected, the additional stuff piled up everywhere plus I didn't anticipate the great deal of time you need to get your candles tested & saleable. I got in over my head with this, and I don't really think I want to continue. Although I love burning candles, I am not a patient tester. I think I would probably be better off just buying candles wholesale and it would save money for me as well. It's killing me to admit I made a mistake, but I am trying to be realistic.

I was supposed to work today, Sunday, and I took it off because I needed to clean and organize. I need to move my core business back to the forefront. I swept, cleaned, opened boxes I didn't know I had (!), sniffed FOs, organized my EOs and bottles, put ingredients together for future projects when I have time, labeled drawers, and most importantly put my candle "stuff" away into the pantry. Maybe I'll come back to it for Christmas gifts for my family. Maybe I won't. (Fortunately I can use the FOs in my incense or as burning oils, so the wax/wicks/jars/dyes can wait awhile.) All I know is that when I don't see the stuff sitting around and making me feel guilty, I feel better. I'm trying to look at it this way: I have 50 or 60 nice but imperfect candles to burn for my own enjoyment. I don't *have* to make anymore. There is no law saying I must sell candles in addition to everything else. Why spread myself any thinner.

Sometimes we overextend ourselves. I want to grow my business, but I have to be realistic. I'm a part of a team at work and have many demands on my time. In the few hours per day I can give to my business, I need to focus on my core items--making them better, more appealing, more scents, etc...I need to do 3 or 4 things well instead of 17 things in a partial way. When I really take a good hard look at myself I have to say I go off in so many different directions I never reap the rewards. I start something (like lotion or soap), people get interested, and then I start something else. In the meantime I've lost the momentum I had on the other thing. I'm trying to be better about this. I'm coming back to focus on my perfume, incense, burning oils, and tub truffles. When I get all of those just right, maybe I'll allow myself to branch out.

Confessional time:

Lotions: I have a gallon of lotion base and 50 4 oz bottles plus a plan for labeling. May do this one for my show next week, just to use it up, then no more

Soaps: I make CP soap once in a great while for myself, because it's the only soap that doesn't irritate my skin. I make it every six months or so and it lasts me until my next batch. I've sold it occasionally and keep wanting to do more, but it is too time consuming. Fortunately my supplies will be used up as I make it for myself. My molds won't go to waste.

MP Soap: I have a 5 pound brick of this to try to start doing MP soaps for shows. May use up for the show next week and then no more

Tarts: I should never have let the tart monster bite me. These are really popular at my work, but people buy in onesies and twosies and I don't have the patience to make it into a real business. Going to sell what I have and then call it quits. I can still use the tart molds for my tub truffles.

Corncob Sachets: I have about two dozen muslin bags and a corresponding amount of corncobs plus printable silk which you print in your computer and then iron on the bag (was going to do my logo). Not sure about this. I could maybe make it for my show next week if I have time, then that's it.

Soy flakes: My boss loves soy candles but other than the one I give her at Christmas and on her birthday, I won't be pouring more soy.


Thanks for reading this long vent. I just needed to tell myself what I need to do. Maybe someone can relate. I need to take back my life from the infinitely expanding product line. My website designer is almost done with my website, and that's going to be another job in and of itself.

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Welcome back :)

Have you tried etsy.com? I know their site is actually very affordable and starting to really grow. It's just like ebay, but every product on there is actually hand made - this may be something you can look into?

Good luck with whatever you do - I know it really helps sometimes to just take a day and clean, clean, clean! I do that too - it cleans my area (and my head!)

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Sounds as if you have taken a serious look at things and have developed a workable plan. I understand exactly what you are saying. I've got thousands of $$ in supplies for everything imaginable. I start on one thing, half-ass finish it, and move on to something else.

Good luck with your show next weekend. Hopefully, you will make a profit and exhaust your existing supplies.

Don't forget--you can always list them on the classies here. There are sooo many of us that just keep on buying!

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Thanks for your support Jenny and Luci. It felt good to get it all out. Jenny, thank god I never got started on bath bombs. Actually, I had intended to try them but figured that I should put my time into my tub truffles instead.

Did you have your baby yet? I'm thinking it's time!

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Sounds like you really have your head together, which is really hard to do when you are overwhelmed. Be proud you didn't just curl up in a ball and hide from it! You have a plan - DO IT! Do not second guess yourself - FOLLOW IT!

I wish you all the best!

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I can so totally relate with what you posted. I too have a full time job and it doesn't leave you much time to grow your business. All these cool ideas floating around in your head that you can't act on.

One thing people tend to do with small biz is overextend - too many products. After all, you started it because you are creative - you want to *create*! But too much of a good thing can keep you running to catch up.

I've dropped so many products - corn cob sachets - wax melts - most candles - perfume sprays... Course then I've got bunches of other ideas - perfume oils, lotions... I try to drop one product a year at least - even if I really like them, the slow movers have got to go...

Good luck getting organized!

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I can totally relate to how you are feeling.

I struggled with the same issues. Full time job, at home business with 4 employees, 2 teenagers and trying to grow my candle and B&B biz just about drove me nuts. (Not that I had that far to go anyway. :D)

I made the difficult decision to close the business down for the time being. I still make things for a few close friends and family. I've had the opportunity to create things that seemed to stay on the back burner because I never had any free time. The thing that I loved to do became something that I dreaded "having" to do. I actually had the time to pour my first pillar candle this weekend. :yay:

I'm still working on perfecting my craft, downsizing my product line and creating a new image for when I do re-open. And I have every intention of doing so. And I'm having fun with it again. Sometimes you just have to take a break and breathe. Step back and re-evaluate the situation. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

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